Your teeth are straight, but you need to see an orthodontist. It happens?

Yes, unfortunately, sometimes the bite problem is not noticeable. But this does not make it smaller: due to improper closure of teeth, the enamel experiences increased stress, wears out and is gradually destroyed.

Straight teeth and malocclusion - it happens

And if at some point prosthetics are needed, it may turn out that implants cannot be installed. The fact is that during implantation, the installed pin must integrate into the bone tissue and take root, replacing the tooth root. If, when chewing, the pressure on the teeth is distributed incorrectly, and this usually happens with malocclusion, then an increased load will constantly be placed on the implant. This greatly increases the risk of rejection. In this case, an experienced implantologist simply will not undertake prosthetics and will recommend that the patient first consult an orthodontist.

To avoid this, it is better to correct the bite at a young age, when the teeth are healthy. First you need to diagnose the problem.

What is a straight bite

Direct bite refers to the closure of the dentition, in which the lower edges of the upper and lower teeth touch.
If a person has straight teeth, then such a smile seems flawless. Often such a bite appears in advertisements for toothpastes or chewing gum, which misleads viewers. In fact, direct bite is a variant of pathology, despite the above advantages. If you find your child's teeth are closing in this way, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible. Otherwise, serious complications will arise.

Ways to correct deformity

To correct the bite in adults, various orthodontic appliances and devices are used. This treatment promotes the displacement of individual teeth, restores the correct position of the upper and lower jaw and dentition.


If the question is how to correct a person’s malocclusion, you should pay attention to a correction method such as braces. They look like plates connected to each other by an arc. Fixation to the teeth occurs from the outside or inside.

Braces or staples act on the dentition mechanically - they slowly move the roots and stretch the tissue around them. As a result, the position of individual teeth and the entire row changes, which is effective for complex anomalies.

There are the following types of bracket systems:

  • According to the method of attaching the arch to the bracket: ligature - involves connection using rubber bands and non-ligature - connected using locks or latches.
  • According to the place of fixation: vestibular - attached to the outer surface of the teeth and lingual - attached to the inner surface of the teeth.
  • According to the material from which they are made: metal - the most reliable, but look unaesthetic; sapphire and ceramic - the most expensive, reliable and aesthetic; plastic - the most impractical, they break quickly.

Once the correction with braces is completed, the treatment is not completed. Next comes the retention period, when the patient needs to wear a retainer or a removable mouth guard constantly, and sometimes throughout his life. This is a thin metal permanent thread that is fixed to the teeth from the inside on the tongue side.


Dental aligners or aligners are a removable structure made of transparent silicone, polyurethane, and thermoplastic. To correct deformities of the jaws and teeth, mouth guards must be worn constantly and removed only when eating.

The design is made individually according to the size of the patient’s jaw. The trays are replaced at each stage of therapy, approximately every 2 to 3 weeks.

Advantages of aligners:

  • almost invisible to others;
  • do not cause discomfort when wearing;
  • do not damage the enamel.

The disadvantage is that it is impossible to correct serious bite pathologies using mouth guards.


Trainers are transparent, removable structures made of biosilicone. Outwardly they resemble dental guards, but are more massive. At the beginning of treatment, soft structures are selected and gradually replaced with hard ones. They have a standard shape or can be made individually.

They are most effective in children, but are also used in adults, if it is necessary to normalize the position of individual teeth, and in case of slight deformation of the jaws. Allows you to eliminate impaired breathing and swallowing functions, restore clarity of speech, and stimulate the proper functioning of the facial muscles.

The advantage of trainers is that they only need to be put on before bed and left on all night. During the day you can wear it for only 2 – 4 hours.

Orthodontic plates

What to do if the malocclusion is not very pronounced? In this case, your doctor may recommend an orthodontic plate. This design is installed on the palate and gums, fixed to the teeth using special hooks.

The plate does not cause discomfort, but is more effective in correcting deformities in childhood. In adults, it is often used at the preparation stage before installing braces.


Myogymnastics is not an independent method of correcting dental defects, but an additional one. It is impossible to completely correct the bite of an adult with its help, but it is quite possible to correct the curvature of the teeth. The effectiveness of exercises is highest when wearing orthodontic corrective structures.

Performing myogymnastics strengthens the facial muscles well. Exercises should be performed every day during the entire treatment period.

Surgical correction

Many patients, knowing the dangers of malocclusion, decide to undergo surgery. Surgical intervention is indicated for severe jaw deformation and pronounced defects. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • injuries to the jaws and face;
  • crossbite, causing pronounced facial asymmetry;
  • open bite, causing impaired chewing function and serious speech defects;
  • chin dysplasia.

The operation is performed under anesthesia. This is the fastest and most effective way to get rid of deformation, which is noticeable in the photo before and after treatment. The downside is the long rehabilitation period, up to a month or more. For several weeks, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and eat only liquid food through a tube, as special splints will be placed on your jaws.

The choice of an orthodontic device for bite correction is made by the doctor, based on individual characteristics - the type and severity of the deformation, its consequences. The patient must follow the requirements of the chosen method throughout the entire treatment period; this is the only way to obtain the desired effect.

Is a straight bite normal?

If we are talking about a physiological bite, then in this case the upper row of teeth slightly covers the lower one. This does not happen with a straight bite.

Such occlusion cannot be considered normal, since it is fraught with the appearance of a number of defects and disorders, despite a visually ideal smile (if the person has straight teeth).

Important: straight bite is bad . Here are some problems that people with a straight bite experience:

  • With a direct bite, the lower jaw gradually moves forward, which is why the bite becomes progenic.
  • The enamel wears off at an accelerated rate due to heavy loads on the teeth.
  • The jaw also experiences heavy loads, which is fraught with pain and problems in the functioning of the temporomandibular temple.
  • Increased risk of developing caries and periodontal disease.

Types of malocclusion

In practice, there are several types of anomalies. The bite happens:

  • distal (when the jaw protrudes forward from above, and the lower jaw is underdeveloped);
  • mesial (teeth move forward from below);
  • open (some teeth in a row do not close together);
  • deep (the jaw on top “sits” on the lower jaw by more than half);
  • cross (displacement of rows in the horizontal plane);
  • dystopia (molars are positioned incorrectly).

Features of direct bite

The main feature of a direct bite is the parallel closure of the jaws, in which the upper incisors do not overlap the lower ones. Other features of a straight bite include:

  • increased load on the front teeth;
  • violation of the proportions of the lower part of the face (occurs over time if the bite is not corrected);
  • clicks when opening and closing the mouth associated with dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint;
  • pain in the cervical region and headaches arising from problems with the jaw joints.

Diagnostic stage

Several methods are used in the diagnosis of pathological occlusion:

  • clinical.
    The doctor analyzes the medical history, conducts a visual examination of the patient, performs an instrumental analysis of the patient’s mouth and nasopharynx, checks the functioning of the muscles and ligaments of the jaws;
  • functional.
    Allows you to determine the degree of tooth displacement and the cause of the disease. Functional diagnostics is also aimed at identifying disturbances in the functioning of the TMJ, skeletal asymmetry, occlusion discrepancies, assessing the process of breathing, swallowing, chewing, and human speech;
  • X-ray.
    Side and frontal projection images are studied. If necessary, a person undergoes a computed tomography (CT) scan, which reflects the condition of the tooth roots and jawbone.

Causes of direct bite

The main reasons for direct closure of the dentition include:

  • Heredity . The position of the jaws and the placement of teeth in a straight bite are often determined by hereditary factors. This type of pathology is more difficult to correct than others.
  • Disorders of intrauterine development . Much depends on the condition of the pregnant woman. Bad habits, hypovitaminosis, stress and other unfavorable factors negatively affect the health of the fetus, including the condition of the dental system.
  • Artificial feeding and pacifiers . Often, a child develops malocclusion when using pacifiers for a long time.
  • Bad habits in a child . Habits such as thumb sucking and other objects negatively affect bite formation. It is important to wean your child off this as early as possible.

Surgical intervention

If alternative methods of correcting the bite are ineffective, indications for surgery to correct the pathology appear:

  • third degree malocclusion;
  • serious deformation of the dental system;
  • incorrect jaw proportions.

Orthognathic operations are performed and then the bite is corrected. The surgeon performs surgical procedures under general anesthesia. Traditionally, after surgical treatment, the doctor prescribes wearing braces (minimum period - six months). Contraindications to surgery include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • patient age under 18 years;
  • HIV;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Surgical procedures performed on children to correct their bite include tooth extraction. The doctor uses the areas that form after removing one or a group of teeth to straighten the rest. This approach is justified only in the presence of undeniable factors and detailed diagnostics of the oral cavity.

Comprehensive method for correcting bite

If the doctor resorts to several methods of correcting the bite at the same time, they talk about implementing an integrated approach to treatment. If the defect is severe, in practice it is necessary to resort to surgical treatment followed by the use of braces.

Diagnosis of direct bite

Typically, an orthodontist can make a diagnosis based on an external examination alone. However, to clarify the diagnosis and select a treatment method, the patient undergoes additional instrumental studies:

  • Occlusiogram - determination of areas of contact between the edges of the teeth. It is performed using special wax plates.
  • X-ray of the facial part of the head . Performed in frontal and lateral projection.
  • Panoramic radiography (orthopantomography).
  • Electromyography is a study of the muscular system.

Preventive measures

The risk of developing an anomaly in a child can be reduced to a minimum by the following measures:

  • See your doctor regularly during pregnancy.
  • Eat nutritiously during pregnancy (particular attention should be paid to foods containing large amounts of calcium).
  • Breastfeed your baby.
  • Control the baby's breathing (it should be nasal).
  • Wean off the pacifier in a timely manner. Its period of use should be limited to three years.
  • Take your child to the dentist regularly.

What is the period of mixed dentition, and what parents need to pay attention to.

In this article we will tell you all the most important things about senile progeny.

Follow the link to learn more about the kit for the prevention of malocclusions.

Treatment of direct bite

Straight bite is a problem that can be successfully treated. Modern dentistry has a solid arsenal of techniques for correcting all types of non-physiological bites, including direct bites. Today, treatment of direct bite in adults and children is carried out using special orthodontic structures:

  • Braces . This is the main method of correction, allowing you to achieve the desired result relatively quickly. Treatment with braces is recommended to begin in adolescence, when the dental system is not yet fully formed. The type of braces, as well as the duration of wearing them, is selected by the doctor.
  • Mouth guards and retainers. Retainers are worn after braces. These designs allow you to consolidate the results achieved with braces. However, both mouthguards and retainers help avoid the severe consequences of a direct bite. In particular, this is excessive wear of teeth.


Name of serviceprice, rub.
Preliminary orthodontic analysis: taking an impression from one row of teeth, making a working model, orthopantomogram analysis, photographic examinationfrom 4000
Correction of malocclusions and tooth position using a simple platefrom 19600
Fixed appliance (braces) for correcting the position of the front teethfrom 40000
Standardized positioners (Myobrace, LM-activator)from 14000
Vestibular plates (Dr. Hinz Dental)from 7000
Repeated (control) visits during treatment with removable devicesfrom 890
Repeated (control) visits during treatment with fixed devicesfrom 1740
Repairing a removable devicefrom 2620


The main danger of a direct bite is accelerated wear of teeth. This happens despite the fact that enamel is considered one of the strongest biological materials. With constant contact between the cutting surfaces of the teeth, hard tissues are quickly destroyed, unable to withstand the load.

Let's look at the typical consequences of a straight bite:

  • Toothache . With the destruction of hard tissues, teeth begin to hurt over time. It is advisable not to let it get to this point, but to consult a doctor as soon as a defect is discovered.
  • Tooth decay . Sometimes people with a straight bite refuse to acknowledge the problem until their teeth are completely destroyed. In this case, the only way to help is with prosthetics.
  • Aesthetic problems . Initially, a straight bite really looks beautiful. However, as teeth wear down, the smile deteriorates. The length of teeth can be reduced by 35-40%, which leads to aesthetic defects.
  • Caries . Destruction of hard tooth tissues significantly increases the risk of developing caries. In turn, caries only accelerates the process of destruction due to the action of organic acids secreted by bacteria.
  • Periodontal disease . The addition of an infection is fraught with the development of gum disease. Against the background of tooth wear and caries, periodontal disease often develops.
  • Disorders of the temporomandibular joint . This leads to characteristic clicking sounds when opening and closing the mouth. Later, when working with the jaws, pain occurs. In addition, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint leads to deterioration of hearing and diction.

Important . It is difficult to predict the above complications. In this regard, doctors strongly recommend correcting malocclusion as soon as possible.

How is bite correction done in adults?

One of the options for correcting your bite and straightening your teeth is permanent braces. Lock-braces are attached to the enamel, an arch is placed in special grooves, which gradually moves the teeth in a given direction.

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Modern technologies do not stand still, and now not only metal braces are available to patients in dental clinics. You can choose more aesthetic systems made of ceramics and medical sapphire or lingual braces, which are attached to the inner surface of the teeth. However, treatment with braces still cannot be called invisible and comfortable. The patient must change his lifestyle, diet, and use a whole range of oral care products. Adult patients often refuse orthodontic treatment altogether at the mere mention of braces, considering them uncomfortable and unaesthetic.


We can talk about preventive measures regarding direct bite if the child does not have a genetic predisposition to this anomaly. You can reduce the likelihood of developing an abnormal bite by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Adequate nutrition for a woman during pregnancy . It is important that a woman consumes enough calcium. This element is found in broccoli, dairy products, and sesame. A sufficient amount of calcium is important for the health of your baby's bones and teeth.
  • Natural feeding. Keep your baby breastfed for as long as possible.
  • No bad habits. These include thumb sucking or an obsession with pacifiers and bottles with pacifiers. Often against this background, children develop mouth breathing, which changes their bite.
  • Balanced nutrition for a child . The child’s menu should have enough protein, vitamins and minerals. Try to minimize the consumption of simple carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, flour).
  • Regular examinations with a doctor . Take your child to see a doctor twice a year.

Existing bite pathologies

A protruding upper or lower jaw arch, lack of contact between the cutting edges - these and other signs indicate anomalies in the development of the bite. As noted above, there are five types of pathologies in orthodontics:

  • distal
    - the top row hangs strongly over the bottom,
  • mesial
    - excessively protruding lower jaw,
  • deep
    - the bottom row is covered by more than 50%,
  • open
    - lack of contact and the appearance of a gap between the rows,
  • cross
    - a developmental disorder of the jaw system, as a result of which the dental arches unevenly cover each other in front or on the sides.

Anomalies include dystopia, when one or more teeth are in the wrong place or position, and diastema, an excessively increased interdental distance. These abnormal phenomena are often the culprits of a malocclusion. Dystopia often contributes to the formation of an open bite.

Treatment of direct bite at the CIS clinic

At the Israeli Dentistry Center, straight bites are treated by experienced orthodontists. Our clinics on the Left Bank (Kyiv) are equipped with modern diagnostic equipment that allows us to establish an accurate diagnosis. Based on the data obtained, we select individual treatment for each patient.

Treatment with braces for direct bite: before and after

Correcting dental malocclusion with aligners

At the patient's request, we will provide treatment with Damon braces, but we will always offer a worthy alternative - removable Invisalign aligners. Only they guarantee truly invisible and comfortable correction of bites of any complexity.

Using Invisalign aligners, PROBLICUS orthodontists successfully treat all bite pathologies that can be corrected with braces. We were the first in Russia to work with aligners.

The results and timing of treatment with aligners are always predictable: our patients know on what day the bite correction will be completed. Even before treatment begins, the orthodontist shows the patient what his ideal smile will look like.


Is it possible to correct a straight bite on your own?

On the Internet you can find various massage techniques and exercises that supposedly will help correct your bite. Such methods are not only ineffective, but also harmful. Under no circumstances should you resort to self-medication, especially when you do not know the exact diagnosis. To identify the problem and solve it, be sure to consult a doctor.

Is it possible to live with an incorrect bite?

It's possible, but not necessary. Above we have provided a list of complications and adverse consequences of direct bite. Any other malocclusion is also fraught with the development of complications. Correct bite is the key to healthy not only teeth, but also other organs and systems.

How does your bite affect your appearance?

It all depends on what kind of bite we are talking about. For example, a shortened upper jaw or a massive lower jaw makes the face angry and disproportionate.

How much does straight bite treatment cost?

The price depends on the volume and complexity of the treatment. As a rule, the cost of treatment is discussed in detail after diagnosis, when doctors understand the patient’s treatment strategy.

Benefits of Invisalign trays

  1. Efficiency. If you can correct your malocclusion with braces, Invisalign clear overlays will be just as effective, and often more effective.
  2. Convenience and easy care. The aligners can be removed while eating and brushing your teeth.
  3. Stealth. The aligners are made of durable and transparent plastic. They are invisible in conversation and in photographs.
  4. Comfort. When worn, the aligners do not create a feeling of discomfort in the mouth, do not rub the gums, and do not change the patient’s diction. It will take you a maximum of 2 hours to get used to them.
  5. Safety. Gums and tooth enamel are not damaged during treatment.

PROPRICUS dental specialists who will help you forget about dental malocclusion forever

Pokrovskaya Natalya Sergeevna

Head of the Department of Orthodontics

He specializes in solving problems with malocclusion using Invisalign aligners, and is involved in neuromuscular diagnostics and pediatric orthodontics. Work experience - 10 years.

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