Thirst at night is a sign it's time to see a doctor

Because the symptoms of diabetes can go undetected for significant periods of time, it is called the silent killer. Detection of the disease at an early stage and timely treatment helps prevent numerous severe complications that may be associated with damage to the nervous system, kidneys, eyes, disturbances in the peripheral blood supply, as well as complications during pregnancy.

We should not forget about the prevention of diabetes, which involves, in particular, lifestyle changes. You should stop smoking, do not forget about physical activity, and a balanced healthy diet is necessary. Below are ten key early signs of diabetes that should alert you.

No. 1 Copious, frequent urination

One of the earliest symptoms of diabetes is polyuria.

If you notice frequent urination and a significant increase in urine volume (especially at night), this is a serious signal to contact a general practitioner or endocrinologist.

The amount of glucose in the blood increases due to slower absorption. As a result, the work of the kidneys increases and they “try” to remove excess glucose into the urine. Water, instead of being absorbed by the body, is intensively removed from it.


Obviously, the therapeutic “target” will not be xerostomia with polydipsia - since these are always only symptoms - but the etiopathogenetic mechanisms underlying these phenomena. It is absolutely impossible to list all the options for specialized (endocrinological, gastroenterological, nephrological, etc.) therapeutic regimens, with the successful implementation of which thirst goes away, just as it is impossible to list all diseases at once in one article.

It is important to understand, however, that constant thirst and dry mouth, unless caused by obviously transient situational factors, are never a harmless isolated phenomenon. Any cause of dehydration, be it glomerulonephritis, diabetes, infection or intestinal disease, is pathological and very serious, so with such phenomena it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.

#3 Insatiable hunger

Due to disrupted metabolic processes in the body, a person may constantly experience a feeling of hunger, as the cells stop absorbing glucose, which is “fuel” for the cells.

The body has to look for alternative sources of energy. Moreover, even consuming a large amount of food is not able to satiate a person. He is unable to satisfy his hunger, because overeating further increases the blood sugar level.

In such a situation, a visit to the endocrinologist cannot be postponed.

1.General information

Constant unquenchable thirst, obsessive thoughts about water that make it difficult to concentrate, an imperative desire to drink, a dry mouth - these are phenomena known and understood by everyone. The reason is also intuitive: the body “asks” for what it lacks, that is, fluid. It is not for nothing that water is called the source of life on Earth: fatal dehydration (dehydration) is one of the most painful options for death, and even the illusory or imaginary possibility of a critical water shortage causes all body systems to send literally panic signals to the brain: drink!

Strictly speaking, thirst with forced large fluid intake (polydipsia) and dry mouth (xerostomia, hyposalivation) are not the same thing, and sometimes these phenomena are caused by completely different reasons. Hyposalivation means insufficient secretory activity of the salivary glands (in contrast to hypersalivation, pathologically intense salivation). However, drying of the oral mucosa is such a characteristic and associated symptom of thirst that many patients no longer distinguish one from the other, using these terms as absolute synonyms.

And such patients, of course, need not terminological analysis, but medical care.

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#9 Dry skin and itching

Elevated blood glucose levels provoke dysfunction of the sweat and sebaceous glands. Human skin becomes sensitive and dry. Due to the reduction of the skin's protective barrier, toxins, allergens and infections easily penetrate the skin. In most cases, itching is the result of dry skin or a fungal infection. In some cases, dark spots appear on the skin with diabetes (in the armpits, on the neck and in the groin area).

If you are regularly bothered by burning or itching in various parts of the body, as well as dry skin (despite moisturizing), you need to consult a specialist.

3. Symptoms and diagnosis

The axial, leading symptoms are mentioned at the beginning of the article and probably do not need additional explanation. However, the situational and anamnestic context in which such symptoms arise is of great diagnostic importance. Any doctor to whom a patient turns with constant thirst and dry mouth will definitely clarify many details: at what time of day, in what circumstances, whether thirst is accompanied by general weakness, malaise, a feeling of insatiable hunger, fever, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, white coating on the tongue, dizziness, frequent or rare urination, diarrhea, etc. If the patient is a woman of fertile age, a question about possible pregnancy will certainly be asked.

The above symptoms can occur in a variety of combinations, and some of these symptom complexes suggest a very serious pathology. In any case, laboratory and instrumental examinations will be prescribed (depending on the specific clinical picture and the most likely root cause).

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No. 10 Visual impairment

Is it difficult for you to see details, everything floats before your eyes and you feel like you’re in a fog, have you lost your visual acuity? These symptoms may also signal high blood sugar levels.

If such symptoms are left unattended, over time new blood vessels will appear on the retina and serious problems such as cataracts, glaucoma and retinopathy will arise.

Proper treatment and proper nutrition for diabetes of any type has a positive prognosis; the person remains able to work and does not change his usual lifestyle.

Take care of your health; if you have even one of the listed symptoms, consult a doctor!

2. Reasons

Xerostomia - dry mouth - can be caused by taking medications, and there are a lot of medications that “dry out” the oral cavity: antihypertensives, antiallergic drugs, NSAIDs, antidepressants, antibiotics, etc. Another common cause is pathology of the salivary glands themselves - for example, obstruction of the ducts or radiation damage. “Your mouth gets dry” and directly depends on situational factors - for example, in a state of stress or sudden fear, when the release of adrenaline almost instantly puts the body into an alert (reacting to a threat) state. Forced breathing through the mouth with a runny nose, too dry and/or dusty air, drinking large doses of alcohol the day before, spicy or salty foods, smoking, intense loss of moisture through sweat during heat or physical activity - all these reasons are well known and widespread.

However, dry mouth also occurs after massive blood loss (for example, due to trauma, internal bleeding, abdominal surgery under general anesthesia), during acute purulent-inflammatory processes (for example, peritonitis as a result of a perforated ulcer), many gastroenterological and psychoneurological diseases (in which the central, cerebral regulation of salivation is disrupted).

Polydipsia, as stated above, is most often combined with xerostomia (one can say vice versa), but in some cases, unquenchable thirst has a different clinical meaning and a different origin. Dehydration as such is a rather complex phenomenon, and it is not always caused by a direct deficiency of fluid intake. In some cases, the mechanisms of absorption and retention of water in the body are disrupted - primarily with damage to the endocrine and urinary systems. For example, since ancient times, polydipsia has been included in the obligate tetrad of symptoms of diabetes mellitus - a severe progressive endocrine-metabolic (hormonal-metabolic) disorder, in which an increase in glucose concentration triggers a complex chain of pathological changes in literally all systems of the body.

Finally, polydipsia as a symptom is included in the structure of several psychopathological syndromes (panic attack, hysterical neurosis or accentuation, depression, etc.).

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Constant thirst as a symptom of the disease

Often, the constant desire to drink water at night is one of the symptoms of a serious pathology of the internal organs. The most common diseases with this symptom include several.

  • Primary aldosteronism. The pathology is more often diagnosed in women and is a benign neoplasm that develops in the adrenal glands. In addition to thirst, the disease is accompanied by severe hypertension.

The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys

  • Secondary aldosteronism. It develops against the background of neoplasms accompanied by damage to the vessels of the adrenal glands. In addition to an irresistible desire to drink, there is a high temperature and difficulty urinating.
  • Diabetes insipidus. Normally, a person produces a sufficient amount of antidiuretic hormone, which is designed to control the concentration of salts in the blood plasma. An insufficient amount of it leads to increased urination - this is one of the reasons why thirst occurs at night. The exact reasons for the development of this pathology have not yet been established.
  • Diabetes. High blood glucose inevitably makes you want to drink a lot. The amount of fluid consumed by diabetics can be 3-5 or more liters per day. At the same time, metabolic processes are disrupted and immunity is reduced.
  • Hyperparathyroidism. A disease associated with an imbalance in the content of a microelement such as calcium. Along with sharply increased urine output, severe thirst is observed, including at night.
  • Cholera algide. It develops against the background of many intestinal infections, accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea, leading to persistent dehydration.
  • Stones in the kidneys. Stones formed in the kidneys cause obstructed urine flow and disrupt the functioning of the entire urinary system.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The desire to constantly drink is caused by coronary disease, arterial hypertension, and defects. This is due to impaired blood circulation in the body and persistent hypoxia of tissues that do not receive the proper amount of oxygen and nutrients.

If you are thirsty at night, you need to limit your salt intake

Suffering from night thirst, it is worth reviewing your diet. By eating less salt, fatty and spicy foods in the evening, you can almost certainly get rid of painful thirst not only at night, but also after waking up.

How to understand when it's time to see a doctor

If there are no objective reasons for night thirst (overeating, alcohol), and the symptom appears daily, medical attention is needed. The doctor will conduct a subjective (detailed medical history) and objective examination. A urine test is required to determine the excreted volume, the amount of calcium, sodium and potassium. The second mandatory study is a general blood test. Further testing depends on the specific symptoms that are bothering the patient and may include:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys or abdominal cavity;
  • FGDS;
  • plain radiography of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • biochemical blood test for hormones;
  • blood for tumor markers, CT, MRI - if a malignant neoplasm is suspected.

As a rule, consultations with specialized specialists are required - only a complete examination will answer the question of why you want to drink water at night.

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