Simpl Swiss implants are the best solution to dental problems


Modern prosthetic structures are devices that meet all the requirements of orthodontics. They must not only completely replace the functionality of a lost tooth, but also have a high aesthetic standard.

The greatest result that meets these criteria is artificial restoration of organs using implants.

One of the most competitive products is the products of the Simpl Swiss trademark.

A little about the manufacturer

Simpl Swiss implants are a product of Swiss manufacturers, manufactured by the world famous company U-impl, a company with a 30-year history.

Created at the end of 1996, the brand specializes in the development and production of prosthetic dental structures.

In such a short history of its existence, the company managed to become one of the ten largest suppliers of orthodontic products to the markets of many European countries.

Since 2010, Simpl Swiss dental systems have been recognized as one of the most popular models in their niche.

The product line from this manufacturer made it possible to reach a large target audience. Here you can choose both premium systems and choose a completely budget option.

In addition, their main feature is high quality manufacturing, full compliance with all international standards and requirements.

The designs have also been successfully used in Russian dental clinics for a long time.

Average cost in Moscow

Type of implantationCost, rub.
Classic turnkey implantation50000
1. Installation, anesthesia, examinations, suture removal26000
2. Installation of the healing abutment5000
3. Abutment + metal-ceramic crown19000
Express implantation23290
1. Installation of the U-IMPL implant15990
2. U-IMPL abutment3800
3. U-IMPL healing abutment2100
4. U-IMPL fixing screw1400

Design features

The company manages to maintain its leading position among the world's best brands thanks to the unique design features of its prostheses:

  • The products are made from high-quality medical titanium alloy , which belongs to the class of chemically inactive elements.
    This is a big plus, since it allows several times to minimize the risks of developing inflammatory processes in internal tissues and individual intolerance to the material;
  • the screw part of the structure is a conical hexagon, characterized by a unique processing principle, thanks to which the rod is quite easily and at the same time reliably implanted into the hard bone tissue of the jaw.
    A durable metal frame is able to withstand a high level of mechanical pressure force and allows you to fully perform the chewing function;
  • special grooves - located along the apical zone. During the implantation process, they are filled with fragments of the natural bone structure, thereby enhancing the strength of the primary attachment;
  • neck of the product - the presence of microthreads in this part of the device made it possible to maximally preserve the volume of bone fragments in the area of ​​the soft mucous membrane surrounding the membrane, by minimizing the pressure force in this part.
    This makes it possible to maintain high aesthetic values ​​of the gums and upper segment of bone tissue;
  • unique connection “implant - abutment” - eliminates the appearance of cracks, microchips, prevents the penetration of food debris and pathogenic bacteria that provoke inflammation;
  • conical shape of the model’s body – makes it possible to use it when bone tissue is too soft, while achieving high levels of primary stability;
  • edge ledge in the platform area - guarantees the tightest possible fit.

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Implantation techniques

  • Implantation with delayed loading . The classic method involves implanting a titanium rod into the jawbone. Engraftment takes 3-5 months, then prosthetics are performed.
  • Basal implantation with immediate (instant) load . Unlike implantation with delayed loading, implantation can be performed when there is insufficient bone tissue. For this, non-separable structures are used that involve all parts of the jaw bone and can be implanted at an angle without interacting with atrophied areas. Implants are loaded 2-7 days after installation. With the help of dentures, the structure is connected and stabilized, the nutrition of the jaw bone is activated, which helps to accelerate healing.
  • Implantation after tooth extraction (express method). It is performed simultaneously - the titanium root is inserted into the hole formed after tooth extraction. Implantation can be carried out with either immediate or delayed loading, depending on the indications.
  • Mini-implantation. Small, thin dental structures are used that serve as additional fixation for removable orthopedic systems.
  • Combined implantation . Several methods are used simultaneously, taking into account the number of lost teeth, the state of the bone structure of the jaw, the requirements for functionality and aesthetics of structures.


Before taking their place on the Russian dental market, implants from Switzerland were tested in Russia.

The test was successful, revealing the following advantages of Simpl Swiss:

  • increased osseointegration - thanks to a unique coating that provides a porous surface relief.
    The coating is carried out using a patented technology, during which the product is subjected to sandblasting and acid etching. As a result, microparticles of bone fragments enter the pores, which ultimately increases the rate of fusion of the rod and the quality of its engraftment with the hard tissue of the jaw.
  • biocompatibility – the composition of the material used in the manufacturing process fully corresponds to its declared characteristics, which is confirmed by international certificates of belonging to class 5 ELI;
  • wide possibilities in terms of aesthetics - the implant is equipped with a flexible connecting profile, and the surface part of the system has a light golden tint, which improves the external perception of the model.
    The product range includes versions adapted for the production of zirconium devices for individual orders. This is especially true for frontal prosthetics;
  • Convenient and safe packaging - each element is packed in a separate container. It is opened immediately before installation, in the personal presence of the patient. Each product unit is assigned a serial number, which is recorded in the treatment card;
  • lifetime service life – subject to correct implantation and proper use;

The design is designed in such a way that it allows for both two-stage implantation (after artificial augmentation of bone fragments) and on a one-stage basis , which significantly reduces the osseointegration period.

At the same time, the high quality of engraftment of the device is completely preserved.


The range of implants is based on three main types:

  • Inter – suitable for both standard two-stage implantation procedures, when bone tissue grafting is required, and for one-stage implantation. The main advantage is the versatility of the design and its wide range of applications.
  • Maxi – is used primarily for replacing chewing teeth against the background of severe fragmented atrophy of the mandibular bone tissue. The advantage is increased strength of the product and enhanced fastening of the model;
  • Mono Mini – the scope is somewhat limited. The system is adapted only for a one-step procedure. An undeniable advantage is the possibility of its implantation in the presence of limited bone spatial mass.

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produces the following models of artificial roots Simpl Swiss:

  1. Inter are universal designs with high stability of the abutment, which can be used both for one-stage implantation and for two-stage implantation using bone grafting.
  2. Maxi - excellent for use in the retromolar area with severe bone atrophy and on the lower jaw at the sixth and seventh teeth. These are solid, short implants with aggressive threading.
  3. Mono Mini - used for one-stage implantation, as well as when there is no place required for the classical model to install the implant. Such products are highly durable, despite their reduced size. The carving on them can be presented in different variations.


Implantation is partially or completely prohibited in the following clinical situations, which can be classified as direct and relative contraindications.

The main ones include:

  • diabetes mellitus at any stage of its course;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • a course of chemotherapy treatment, which results in low immune status. For this reason, the design may not take root;
  • AIDS and HIV infections;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • nervous and mental disorders;
  • heart failure;
  • insufficient blood clotting - in this case we are talking about both hereditary and acquired diseases;
  • chewing hypertonicity;
  • metabolic dysfunction, which negatively affects wound healing processes and inhibits the engraftment of the product;
  • bite defects and a small volume of soft mucous tissue in the area of ​​prosthetics;
  • individual intolerance to drugs administered for pain relief.

Relative contraindications, most of which can be eliminated, include:

  • poor hygienic condition of the oral cavity;
  • weak body defenses against the background of concomitant diagnoses;
  • gum pathologies and dental diseases, such as periodontal disease;
  • deviations that are difficult to control - bad habits, bruxism.

In other situations not related to the factors listed above, there are no restrictions on the installation of implants.

Warranty and service life

Famous manufacturers, which include U-impl, guarantee a lifetime of use of their products. If we consider the term in a specific digital context, this is a guarantee of use for 70 years.

However, in practice this does not always happen. Much depends on the practical experience of the surgeon. Only within the framework of the strictest implementation of all manipulations established by the protocol, the procedure will be carried out absolutely correctly.

The patient’s attitude towards it also plays an important role in how long the implant will last. Correct behavior during the rehabilitation period , compliance with all medical recommendations, as well as proper care of the structure and oral cavity in everyday life are the key to ensuring that the prosthesis will be used for a long time.

As for the dentist himself, he gives a two-year guarantee. It should not be confused with the service life of the implant - here we are talking about a guarantee for the work performed.

Permanent or temporary prosthetics

After the implant has engrafted into the bone structure (if the express method was chosen, then immediately after installing the rod), you can begin to select a prosthesis.

It can be temporary or permanent:

  • Removable butterfly designs. Inexpensive, they are used to close a defect as temporary prostheses using the classical implantation method until the titanium root takes root in the bone.
  • Single temporary crowns . Used to restore one tooth. Made from plastic and metal-plastic. They can be installed for a period from several days to several years. Typically, such structures are made shorter than natural teeth to reduce the resulting load.
  • Single permanent crowns . They are made of metal ceramics (the base consists of metal, the top layer is ceramic), or zirconium dioxide. The service life is 15-20 years.
  • Permanent bridges. They consist of several crowns and are designed to restore several teeth in a row; a bridge can also replace an entire row of teeth.
  • Dentures with artificial gums . The design includes crowns made of different materials, for example, for express implantation methods, metal-plastic is used, since it is lightweight and does not harm the implants. Artificial mucosa is used to camouflage natural gums and achieve maximum aesthetics.


It is extremely difficult to unambiguously determine the cost of this type of prosthetics. It depends on the clinical picture - the tooth may have already been removed at the time of implantation, or it may simply hurt, or, for example, decay. The price, accordingly, will be different.

In addition, how much the service will cost depends on the status of the clinic, region of residence, the cost of preliminary manipulations and the cost of anesthesia.

If we consider the situation in the average price aspect, then the cost of one unit will vary within 40,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that the manufacturer, having a wide product line, still focuses on patients with an average income level.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.


Artificial restoration of organs using implants is the most popular way to restore teeth to their former attractiveness and functionality.

However, before deciding to install them, you should objectively assess the situation for possible contraindications, as well as the feasibility of their implantation. The doctor should always have the primary say in this matter.

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