How to enlarge lips: 15 ways to enlarge lips at home

To enlarge their lips, women pump them up with streptococcal synthesis products (hyaluronic acid fillers), insert implants, and cut out areas of soft tissue. All of these are extremely dangerous health games. For what? So that instead of your lips of a natural shape, which are part of your beauty and individuality, you get two shapeless “dumplings” - hardened, uneven, asymmetrical, blue with bruises, with ugly swelling and bumps? We will never understand this mania.

We make lips fuller and brighter without injections or plastic surgery. We maintain the natural shape, lift the corners of the mouth, fight age-related changes and purse-string wrinkles. Only safe and effective techniques that every woman can easily master.

Why do women enlarge their lips?

Lip augmentation occupies a firm position in the TOP 3 plastic surgeries. What explains the widespread desire of women to have “flatcakes” covering half their face?

There are many reasons, but the most common is fashion. A new standard of beauty. Young ladies think that with big lips they will look more seductive in the eyes of men. Accordingly, they will begin to feel more confident and will easily find a partner. But is this really so?

Indeed, full lips on an instinctive level send a signal to the stronger sex about the increased libido of their owners. But all this has one important “but”.

The beauty of the face is primarily determined by harmonious proportions. Leonardo da Vinci, with his golden ratio (the universal code for structural harmony), would have criticized to the nines the modern tendency to enlarge lips by 2-3 times without taking into account the proportions of other facial features.

Cute and harmonious faces turn into ugly parodies of people. Pouting and inverted lips, deprived of their natural attractive shape, awaken in a man not passion, but a desire to provide medical assistance to the lady, to give an antihistamine. Yes, it’s a joke, we’re exaggerating, but inflated lips really do look like an allergic reaction to an insect bite.

Psychologists say that a woman’s desire to enlarge her lips indicates her mental problems:

  • self-doubt, low self-esteem,
  • fear of aging, inability to accept oneself in one’s natural form and age,
  • worries due to lack of attention from men.

But lip pumping will not make a woman more confident and popular among men, nor will it prevent aging. If something like this appears at first, it will instantly disappear. Loving yourself requires deep inner work and natural transformation. And no new lips, breasts or wardrobe items can correct the complexes!

What are fashionable lips?

Stasya: How do you feel about the lip trend? I understand, of course, that it’s good. But what are the positive aspects of this cosmetology niche?

Natalya: In 2022, a study was conducted at the University of California. There, men were shown photographs of the same girl with photoshopped lips: natural size, slightly smaller than her size, and slightly larger. The men filled out a questionnaire asking which face was more beautiful. It turned out that they prefer girls whose lips are enlarged to one and a half times their natural size, while the lower lip, in my opinion, is twice as thick as the upper. That is, this is physiognomically assessed as sexier lips, although the opposite request is now in fashion: everyone wants a bigger upper lip.

Stasya: My inner feminist sight wavered.

Natalya: In general, cosmetology makes this scope tremble. The main thing is that everything is as desired.

Stasya: I'm interested in the fashion aspect. Now he’s talking about the upper lip, right, is it slightly upturned?

Natalya: Yes, such flat bow lips are in fashion, which everyone strives for.

Should I enlarge my lips permanently?

You've probably heard about rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty - surgical correction of the nose and eyelids, respectively? These operations are on hearing. But there is also cheiloplasty. Her “victim” is her lips.

Cheiloplasty is less popular, since most often lips are enlarged using injections. But plastic surgeons are actively promoting their “bread”. Their arguments: unlike fillers, lip plastic surgery provides lifelong results, and the effect is predicted more accurately.

Yes, these are not injections, plastic surgery changes your appearance forever. If you don't like the result, it won't be possible to fix it. Well, or go under the knife again.

To do or not to do?

There are cases when people with congenital or acquired lip defects resort to surgical intervention. And we cannot give any recommendations here. If an ugly curvature that interferes with life can only be corrected by surgeons, so be it.

But going under the knife to enlarge your lips, which will also ruin your natural facial harmony, is beyond reason.

Plastic surgery is a traumatic and dangerous procedure. The skin is cut, removed, sutured, soft tissues are damaged, and sometimes foreign materials are implanted. Complications may occur both during surgery and during the healing process. What then? Lips are a very delicate organ, the skin is the thinnest. The slightest scratch, crack, even basic dryness is a gateway to infection, which can lead to serious complications.

5th place. Lipofilling

You can make your lips plumper without using foreign materials at all. Sometimes the filler is the client's fat tissue, which is taken from the thighs, buttocks or lower abdominal crease. The resulting fat is cleaned and injected into the lips under general anesthesia.

Among the indications for lipofilling are asymmetrical, excessively thin or insufficiently full lips, and their drooping corners. Patients of cosmetologists who have become prettier are most often satisfied with the result of the procedure.

Lipofilling has undoubted advantages: lips look natural, harmonious and do not require special care, and the material will definitely not cause allergies or be rejected. After the injection of fat, there is no long-term swelling effect, and the result will delight you for a lifetime, since the transplanted cells take root forever. After 7-16 days you will already forget about visible swelling.

Are there any disadvantages to such a procedure? Unfortunately yes. If you don’t like the result, it will be difficult to eliminate it, because you will need to break down the adipose tissue with the help of special preparations. Therefore, doctors advise first correcting the lips with hyaluronic acid and only then choosing lipofilling.

Cost: from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.

Lip augmentation surgery

What types of lip augmentation surgeries exist?

The first is implants. Yes, they are inserted not only into the chest or butt, but also into the lips. There are options made from organic materials (from the patient’s own tissues or from donor tissues of other people or animals), but the ones in use are mainly silicone or polytetrafluoroethylene.

Lips become unnatural, “sculpted”, and harden. Often the implant “does not stand up”, sticks out, and is felt when touched. Ugly irregularities form. The body can simply reject the artificial material.

Implants are not the only surgical method for lip augmentation. There are many other operations. All of them are associated with tissue injury and high risks of complications.

Some of them are universal, correcting both the upper and lower lips. And some types are designed to enlarge only the upper lip.

Lips: Malocclusion

• Working with lips in case of malocclusion . This is a separate topic, since ideally an orthodontist also needs to be involved in the process. The ideal option is to first work with the bite (braces, or other treatment options prescribed by the dentist). But, there are situations when you need to solve the problem only with filler.


Working with lips in case of malocclusion may consist of injecting the drug only into the lips (when the chin is of sufficient or excess volume), or maybe with a certain structure of the facial skeleton and enlarging the chin area with filler (micrognathia).

There is always an option when the doctor does not talk to the patient about the need to correct the chin area (or simply does not see this need), or in order to save money on the part of the patient. Then an incomplete correction will be carried out. In both cases, the result “on the lips” will be pleasing, but in general there is a high chance that the face will look inharmonious, because the small chin will become even smaller against the backdrop of the lips that have gained in volume.


In most cases, the face can be made more harmonious and prettier. Let's just say, closer to beauty standards, but without losing individuality, and in some cases even without the help of a dentist.

How to enlarge your upper lip

Special surgical methods for augmenting only the upper lip are Bulhorn operations and thread suspensions. They are based on the general principle: raise the upper lip so that there is more visible red border. But this is achieved in different ways:

  • Operation Bullhorn.
    Part of the skin at the base of the nose is cut off, which reduces the distance between it and the upper lip. A cut piece of skin resembles the horns of a bull. Hence the name Bullhorn, bull horn - bull horn from English.
  • Thread pendants.
    Two incisions are made inside the nose. A thread is pulled through each of them, pulled through the soft tissue to the lip, brought out through the hole in the lip and, forming a loop, returned to the incision in the nose. Again, associations with a bull, namely, with his nose ring, only here there are two of them, and they pass inside the tissues.

7th place. Surgical method

Some defects can only be corrected through plastic surgery. This is asymmetry, consequences of injury, drooping lower lip. Of all the methods we have chosen, this is the most dangerous. Despite this, they are used not only for medical reasons - they are also placed on the surgical table in order to simply make the lips bigger.

There are several methods:

1. Bullhorn . The essence of the operation is to reduce the distance from the upper lip to the base of the nose. To do this, a small piece of skin is excised, the edges of the incision are stitched, the upper lip is turned out a little, becoming wider and more seductive. An incision is made either along the edge of the lip or under the nose.

2. YV technique . The surgeon removes several V-shaped sections of skin under the upper lip, which are then stitched together in a Y shape. As a result, the lip is pushed forward - the volume is visually increased.

3. Parisian technique . This is an improved YV technique. The surgeon makes not only horizontal, but also vertical incisions in the lip cavity. After the operation, the lips become expressive and look natural.

It is worth emphasizing that all of the above operations require specialist consultation. They are done under both local and general anesthesia. After surgery, rehabilitation takes from 7 days to 2 months.

Cost: from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

How to enlarge your lower lip

Universal surgical methods that correct both the upper and lower lips include:

  • VY-plasty. On the mucous membrane, incisions are made in the shape of the letters V, which after suturing take on a Y shape. The moist area of ​​the lips is everted, which gives volume. The effect depends on the number of cuts and their location.
  • Kesselring's operation. The skin strips directly above the border of the lips are removed, and the edges of the wound are sutured. Effect: turned out mucous membrane and scars.
  • Lipofilling of lips. The patient's own fat material is taken from the abdomen or thighs and injected into the lips. Despite the fact that this is our own fat, it looks “alien” on the lips: they lose their natural softness and aesthetics.

Bullhorn varieties

The bullhorn operation is not always performed according to the same scenario. It has several modifications.

1. For example, there is the so-called internal, or VY bullhorn , when during the operation additional hidden incisions are made in the upper lip from the mucosal side.

The surgeon performs 2 incisions of the upper lip in the shape of a V followed by suturing in a Y shape. This method allows you to enhance the effect of plump lips and get a very natural result.

2. There is also an " Italian bullhorn ". In this case, the incision is not made in one continuous line, but consists of two small incisions to the right and left of the columella.

The advantages of this option include the fact that the scar under the nose after such a procedure is practically invisible. The downside is that this method will not lift the upper lip significantly.

Enlarge lips with hyaluronic acid

The most popular invasive method of lip augmentation is filler injections. And here fillers based on hyaluronic acid hold the lead.

How does the procedure work? The lips are injected with the drug along the contour. This is done under local anesthesia, but it is still very painful and must be endured for 30-60 minutes. Some women who once pumped their lips with hyaluronic acid do not want to repeat it again, claiming that it is more painful than even childbirth.

Bruises, hematomas and severe swelling that last 1-2 weeks are considered normal after such a procedure. For some it’s a month. It is believed that the drug finally “gets up” after 2-3 weeks. The effect lasts on average six months.

Often the patient does not like the way the dumplings were made for her. Then she is advised to strongly knead her lips until it hurts, or they are injected with special drugs that absorb hyaluronic acid. Longidazu.

All cosmetologists say the same thing: hyaluronic fillers are safe. Do not believe! Better listen to the scientifically based opinion of doctors: fillers often cause health problems, and in the long term.

What are the dangers of hyaluronic acid fillers?

  • Hyaluronic acid is synthesized by streptococcal bacteria. And no matter how thorough the purification of the drug is, the genetic material of bacteria will still remain in it. This may not affect your health immediately, but after three or even ten years. This is how many years can pass before the gel becomes inflamed and a streptococcal infection causes some characteristic disease: pneumonia, bronchitis, sore throat, meningitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, etc. People prone to ENT diseases are especially at risk of getting this complication.
  • Fillers contain chemical agents that give the active substance the required consistency. "Stitches." But their effect on the body has not been studied. No one knows how they act on humans, whether they cause harm, are eliminated or not.
  • In the short term, complications arise, including dysfunction of breathing, speech, and eating. Hard formations appear in the thickness of the lips that cannot be removed naturally, and such women become patients of surgeons.

Another lie spread by cosmetologists: filler is completely removed from the body after 6-12 months. Not displayed. Particles of hyaluronic acid can live in tissues for years. Some provoking factor (infection, inflammation) will arise, and the remaining gel will become inflamed. It won’t even occur to you that this is all because of the “innocent” experiments with your lips that you did 5-7-10 years ago.

And we are not even talking about the fact that low-quality drugs are often introduced and drug administration technologies are violated.

3rd place. Electroporation

This is a physiotherapeutic procedure and a relatively new technique. First, the client undergoes a light lip peel using ultrasound therapy. Then, under the influence of a special device, hyaluronic acid and vitamins are introduced. Electric pulse waves open micropores and thereby allow the cells to be saturated with valuable substances. After the device has finished operating, these channels are immediately closed.

The manipulations are painless and safe: there is no need to make injections, incisions, or undergo anesthesia; the risk of infections is minimized. The result is noticeable immediately, and the effect lasts from 3 months to a year. All this time, the skin remains elastic and beautiful. But to get voluminous and juicy lips, be patient: it will take 4-12 sessions.

Electroporation is most often required for girls after 25 years of age. Starting at this age, collagen production decreases, and lips can no longer boast of firmness and elasticity.

Cost: from 6 to 10 thousand rubles.


Women who have had their lips enlarged using plastic surgery or fillers are often dissatisfied with the results.

We read reviews from those who have used the most popular service - hyaluronic acid filler injections.

Women are often horrified by the appearance of their new lips.

The shape disappears, the lips blur and look unnatural. Asymmetry and unevenness often appear. It becomes comical and the profile is disfigured: the lips turn out, especially the upper lip, which is pulled up, suffers. You probably know about “ducky” lips yourself - they have filled this world, it’s impossible not to notice them.

The drug is absorbed unevenly, and the famous hard balls appear in the lips. Lumps, nodules. Often, gel particles migrate beyond the target: as a rule, the area between the upper lip and nose swells.

It becomes uncomfortable to live with new lips. They lose sensitivity and harden. It’s uncomfortable to eat and smile.

A common complication is terrible dryness. For some, the lips become so wide that they crack, bleed, and become covered with a yellow crust.

A secondary infection may occur. Many people write about the occurrence of herpes.

In general, do you want the truth? Read reviews, not cosmetologist websites.

Lip level repositioning in the treatment of gummy smiles: a new approach

An attractive smile depends on the correct proportion and arrangement of three components: teeth, gums and lips. The upper lip should symmetrically show no more than 3 mm of gum, and the gum line in turn should run parallel to the contour of the lip. Excessive exposure of the gingival profile, usually called a gummy smile, provokes the visualization of excessive volume of soft tissues of the upper jaw located in the frontal area. The prevalence of this type of smile profile is used when excessive appearance of the maxillary gum occurs while smiling.

This article presents a clinical case of treatment of a gummy type of smile through lip reposition and traction of sutures placed on the levator labii muscles. A similar approach can be implemented by removing a strip of mucosa from the vestibule area of ​​the oral cavity, thus minimizing the risk of relapse. Thanks to the combination of two surgical procedures at once, it is possible to achieve controlled traction of the levator labii muscles, thereby ensuring the achievement of a stable and aesthetically acceptable result.

Clinical case

A 25-year-old female patient was referred to the Department of Implantology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, with the chief complaint of excessive gingival volume exposure when smiling. The patient's general somatic history was not burdened, and there were no contraindications to the operation. Analysis of the facial profile confirmed the symmetry of all components, and the normal length of the upper lip is 20 mm. When smiling, the patient's teeth were visualized from the right first molar to the left, exposing the gum profile by 4-5 mm. Intraoral examination revealed healthy periodontal tissues with sufficient width of attached gums, as well as acceptable dimensional proportions of the teeth (Figure 1).

Photo 1. View before treatment: 4-5 mm of gingival profile exposed.

The etiology of a gummy smile is apparently related to an overactive upper lip. After discussing possible treatment approaches, the patient's consent was obtained for the lip repositioning procedure. Intervention planning began by marking future incision lines with methylene blue approximately in the middle of the visualized gingival profile (Figure 2). After anesthesia (2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 adrenaline) in the area of ​​the vestibular mucosa from molar to molar, a “v”-shaped incision was formed not to the full depth of the tissue, 1 mm above the mucogingival junction. A second similar incision was made parallel to the first, 8-10 mm below the mucogingival junction. After connecting the two incisions, it was possible to remove a strip of mucosa, exposing the underlying connective tissue (photo 3). If minor salivary glands were present, they were also removed.

Photo 2. Planning the incision 8-10 mm apical to the mucogingival junction.

Photo 3. Connective tissue exposed.

Once the muscle fibers attached to the lip structure on both sides were identified, they were sutured, including the orbicularis oris (OO), levator labii superioris (LLS), levator labii superioris and alae nasalis (LLSAN), and zygomatic muscle (Zm), resorbable thread (VICRYL 4.0, Ethicon). The suture was started by tucking the OO muscle fibers on either side of the midline (Figure 4). Then, at the height of the lateral incisors and canines, the needle was followed from the distal to the mesial direction on both sides, thus piercing the LLS and LLSAN muscle fibers and ensuring their downward traction (Figure 5).

Photo 4. Sewing muscle fibers.

Photo 5. Sewing the muscle fibers in the area of ​​the lateral incisors and canines.

Then, at the height of the corner of the mouth, a similar procedure was carried out with the Zm muscle fibers on the left and right sides, ensuring the same level of tension (photo 6). Therefore, after capturing the LLS, LLSAN and Zm fibers, the suture was returned to its original position by re-engaging the OO fiber region. After this, a surgical knot was formed. This approach helps maintain the lip in a more coronal position and avoid dislocation, ensuring complete immobilization (Figure 7). The second suture is provided along the trajectory already described above, including the levator labii muscles, with the formation of moderate tension (photo 8).

Photo 6. Sewing muscle fibers in the canine area.

Photo 7. At the end of the manipulation, the suture should re-pass through the central area.

Photo 8. View after suturing.

The tissue approximation in the middle part of the surgical area was carried out by suturing VICRYL 5.0 (Ethicon) using a single suture technique (photo 9). The remaining wound borders were closed with interrupted sutures (Figure 10).

Photo 9. Bringing tissues closer together to ensure symmetry.

Photo 10. Intermittent stitch for tissue stabilization.

After surgery, the patient was prescribed amoxicillin 500 mg, 3 times a day for 5 days; meloxicam 15 mg, 2 times a day for 3 days; paracetamol 500 mg, 4 times a day for 3 days; and rinse the mouth with a 0.12% solution of chlorhexidine gluconate 2 times a day for 2 weeks. The patient was also advised to apply an ice pack to her lip immediately after surgery to reduce swelling, and to avoid any mechanical impact on the upper lip area. It was also recommended to minimize lip movement whenever possible for 2 weeks. The sutures were removed 2 weeks after surgery. The patient reported mild pain and tension when smiling and speaking during the first week. A small scar was formed in the suturing area, but it was not visible when smiling (photo 11). Follow-up examination of the patient after 12 months confirmed a decrease in the visualization of the gingival profile when smiling (Figure 12).

Photo 11. View after 3 months.

Photo 12. View of a smile after a year.


The gummy type of smile is an aesthetic problem, which is observed in a significant part of the population. Understanding the etiology of this disorder is essential to developing an adequate treatment plan. The very first technique for correcting a gummy smile was developed in 1973 by Rubinstein and Kostianovsky. In 1978, Litton and Fournier demonstrated the effectiveness of a procedure to change the attachment of muscles at the attachment to bone structures when the upper lip is too low. A more aggressive approach was described by Miskinyar in 1983, which included myectomy and partial resection of the LLS. Ellenbogen and Swara proposed a method to limit the height of lip elevation during smiling by placing a silicone seal between the muscles and the anterior nasal spine. Ronsenblatt and Simon used an elliptical incision in the area of ​​the mucogingival junction with further separation of a partial tissue flap and removal of a strip of mucosa. Humayun described the same surgical procedure, removing, however, an elliptical strip of epithelium followed by coronal displacement of the flap. Silva modified this approach by removing two strips of mucosa from both sides of the labial cord, thereby moving the new mucosal border more coronally. Storrer developed a new surgical technique with the formation of a new contour of the gums and suturing of the muscles of the levator labii and alae nasalis. Several authors have presented case reports of successful treatment of gummy smiles in patients using the lip repositioning technique, which reduced the range of soft tissue exposure by approximately 4 mm, and the consistency of the results was confirmed over a 6-month follow-up. In 2013, Silva et al reported a case of successful treatment of a gummy smile with stable results over 2.5 years. In 70% of cases, patients rated the level of gum exposure after treatment as optimal, and more than 90% of patients were willing to repeat the procedure again. However, the results of treatment for gummy smiles reported in the literature are short-term and require more detailed analysis.

Despite this, hypermobility of the upper lip can be stabilized by implementing a specific surgical approach. To verify such a condition of the lip, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the range of e translation from the position at rest to the position during a dynamic smile. In the case described above, the patient had a hyperactive lip with 4-5 mm of gingival profile exposed. The lip position was stabilized by traction of the muscles responsible for the formation of the smile profile (OO, LLS, LLSAN, Zm). This technique was first described by Saba-Chujfi, and allows achieving a stable treatment result without relapse of the lip position for at least 1 year. In addition, when using this technique, it is possible to avoid such surgical complications as the formation of a mucocele, the occurrence of paresthesia and transient muscle paralysis. To achieve the desired treatment results, it is necessary to carefully approach the diagnosis of aesthetic disorders, and the selection of appropriate clinical cases, according to the indications, suitable for a particular surgical approach.

A good understanding of the anatomy, topography and function of the levator labii superioris muscles is one of the success factors for such iatrogenic intervention. Contraindications for lip reduction surgery include inadequate width of attached gingiva, which makes it difficult to achieve proper flap separation and further stabilization after suturing; excessive height of exposure of the tissues of the upper jaw (> 8 mm) - in such cases, an interdisciplinary approach, including orthognathic, orthodontic and periodontal stages of treatment, is simply impossible.

As for the suturing technique, loop sutures allow stabilization of the muscle bundle on both sides of the surgical site. The direction of the sutures influences the degree of immobilization of the lip while maintaining symmetrical balance, limiting upward movement of the lip during smiling.


This clinical case describes a procedure for predictive treatment of a gummy type smile. The combined technique of traction of the muscles of the levator labii superioris using loop sutures ensures the achievement of a good aesthetic result, the stability of which has been confirmed over 1 year. To further substantiate the effectiveness of this technique, it is necessary to conduct additional clinical studies on a larger sample of dental patients.

Authors: Gustavo Javier Salazar Littuma, DDS, MSc Humberto Cherem Mendez de Souza, DDS Gabriella Mercedes Peñarrieta, DDS, MSc Ricardo de Souza Magini, DDS, MSc, PhD Eduardo Saba-Chujfi, DDS, MSc, PhD

How to enlarge lips using a vacuum

There are also plumpers - have you heard of them? Vacuum lip suction cups. Inexpensive fetish from China for achieving a “miracle” at home. The plumper is sucked to the lips and left for several minutes. Indeed, the lips turn out and become larger. For some, the effect lasts for 10-15 minutes, for others for an hour.

Don't even try! It turns out ugly, but that’s not the main point. The action of plumpers is based on disruption of blood flow and damage to blood vessels. What does this mean? Swelling and hematomas appear. The condition of the skin worsens: it loses elasticity and turgor, becomes dry, and flakes. And the first signs of negative changes are felt immediately. Many people say that about an hour after the procedure, when its effect ends, the lips become less elastic.

And cosmetologists recommend using plumpers 4-5 times a day for a whole month. Real self-torture.

We are categorically against it! Impaired microcirculation is the root of the problem of skin and soft tissue aging. On the contrary, we fight it in beauty marathons.

But a vacuum can be useful if used correctly. Instead of the destructive “vacuum cleaner effect,” do a gentle vacuum massage with glass jars according to the correct pattern. It will improve microcirculation and nourish tissue. Lips will become plump and bright.

Apply liquid oil to your lips and run the jar over them - 5 times back and forth on each lip. Do not need anymore. The technique is shown in the video:

For vacuum massage you can use Beauty365 glass jars. They can be purchased in the online store

We have sorted out plastic surgery, fillers, and plumpers in general terms. There are also salon techniques with short-term effects: biorevitalization, plasma therapy. The lips become moisturized and slightly enlarged, but after a couple of weeks not a trace remains of this. It's not even worth contacting.

What to do? We have already talked about one technique - gentle vacuum massage. Did you like the idea? In fact, even better! Try it!

We share other secrets of lip augmentation at home. For a long time and without harm to health.

How often do complications occur after injection?

Lera: There is no one hundred percent guarantee that even a proven drug will not cause a reaction in a person?

Natalya: Of course. This is medicine, so there is always a percentage of complications, even if everything is done perfectly correctly and a great drug is used.

Stasya: What is the percentage of complications?

Natalya: Small. If the filler is not suitable, if an allergic reaction has started to it, we carry out correction with hyaluronidase - it dissolves it. But an allergic reaction can also occur to the latter, although it is also not very common.

How to make your lips look bigger with makeup

The easiest way to add volume to your lips is with decorative cosmetics.

Every lady knows that makeup is a purely individual matter. You need to try everything on yourself, experiment, look for what suits you and what doesn’t. It didn’t work out twenty times, but on the 21st I found the perfect trick for life.

The same goes for lip makeup. We try until we find the right one. Advice: we adjust not only the size of the lips, but also the shape, because sometimes a slight change in the outline of the lips makes them more expressive and voluminous.

What tricks you can try for yourself:

  • Try to blur the natural contour of your lips at the beginning of your makeup, so that later you can draw on them the way you want. Apply foundation to your lips, and then highlight your lip line using concealer, highlighter (without glitter) or white eyeshadow. And then pencil, lipstick, gloss come into play.
  • You need to find an approach to lip pencil. A clearly drawn contour that is darker than your lips can, on the contrary, hide volume. Intentionally going beyond boundaries generally looks comical. But a pencil that matches your lips is a good solution! They can be used to draw the outline a little wider in places where you want to add volume.
  • Try to draw the “Cupid’s bow” in different ways - the tick on the border of the upper lip with the skin. So that it is deeper or, conversely, diverges wider in different directions. Don't forget to blend. And highlight the area above the check mark with a highlighter.
  • Draw well and darken the corners of your lips - for some reason, sometimes they don’t get enough makeup, and this affects the image. On the contrary, make the central part of the lips lighter and add shine.

What an adequate doctor will not do

Lera: Did your girlfriends come and ask you to break the milliliter in half?

Natalya: Of course, they came, but I never did that. Because there is a microcosm, different viruses and, perhaps, some unstudied particles that I can transplant from friend to friend. Or yesterday a patient wrote to me: “Hello, Natalya Alexandrovna. I made an appointment with you, bought the drug myself, and will bring it to you. Will you inject me? An adequate doctor will not do such things either. After all, the brought drugs of unknown origin may turn out to be fake, and this is fraught.

Enlarge your lips with gloss or lipstick

With the choice of lipstick color or gloss, everything is individual. It is generally accepted that for the effect of voluminous lips it is better to use light shades. But bright red can also work. Dark colors - burgundy, wine, plum, black - will not add volume.

We will not recommend a specific type of product. Now, perhaps, every lipstick or gloss “enlarges the lips” - marketers are not asleep. There is no need to delude yourself especially on this score. Although there is a category of products that contain irritating components. Your lips will tingle for a few minutes, they will seem a little more voluminous, but the illusion will quickly pass.

The way you apply lipstick or gloss matters. For example, you can get used to putting on makeup as if you were doing it casually: you patted lipstick on your lips, rubbed them together, and removed the excess along the contour. The result was the effect of kissed lips. For many women, this option suits them best: the lips look fuller than with a drawn contour.

How to enlarge lips at home

We washed off the makeup and the lips were back to their natural size. How to increase them without injections and plastic surgery?

Using self-massage and lip gymnastics. We blow, we knead, we pull, we stretch. This is how we address the cause of loss of volume and shape in the lips, fill them with life, and lift the corners.

Why is self-massage and lip gymnastics the most effective and safe way to enlarge them?

The shape of the lips is maintained by the work of the surrounding muscles. The main muscle influencing their volume is the orbicularis oris muscle. With age, it loses its healthy tone, pinches and curls inward, as if “pulling” the lips behind it.

The volume of muscle tissue and subcutaneous fat is also important. It subsides over time, and the lips become smaller in length and width.

With the help of self-massage and gymnastics, we relax the orbicularis oris muscle and restore life to the tissue by improving microcirculation. The lips become plump, filled with color, and their corners rise.

Don't be surprised if the creases around the mouth and nasolabial lips become less pronounced. Their formation is also often caused by tightness of the orbicularis oris muscle, which is connected to many other facial muscles.

First, learn two of our favorite exercises - very simple ones. Do them daily. Each time your lips will give in and open better.

Watch the video and repeat in front of the mirror:

  1. We tighten our lips into a “chicken butt” and blow. Repeat 3-5 times.
  2. We grab our lips with our hands, knead them and pull them back.

More invasive techniques

If the wrinkles are deep enough, there are many of them, and a more radical solution to the problem is important, more serious, invasive correction methods may be required. For them, it is necessary to carefully select a clinic and specialists; the methods have certain limitations and a rehabilitation period.

Lipofilling is the filling of wrinkles and folds of skin in a problem area with one’s own fat tissue, taken from another area and specially prepared. The technique helps eliminate wrinkles, add volume to the lips, and rejuvenate them.

Thread skin lifting helps get rid of nasolabial folds and marionette wrinkles. It is used for a comprehensive solution to facial problems.

The SMAS lift uses targeted ultrasound to tighten connective tissue and muscles, helping to reduce the deepest lines around the mouth. Marionette lines

How quickly can you enlarge your lips?

Do you want plump lips for a long time? To achieve a lasting result, you need a set of exercises designed to relax the facial muscles and rejuvenate it. The best techniques are collected in our legendary “Basic Marathon”. It lasts only three weeks. We will consolidate the results for another two weeks. Tested by hundreds of thousands of women.

The human body is a complex device in which everything is interconnected. We start by straightening the back, relaxing the muscles of the shoulder and cervical regions and move on to targeted work on different areas of the face. We knead and nourish our lips on the solid foundation of a rejuvenated body.

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