Prompt help at home for dry and cracked lips

What are the causes of such cracking:

  • Weather + improper care

Cold and wind or hot sun contribute to dry lips, and if you do not take care of your lips in time and lick your lips, the skin becomes thin and cracks. It becomes difficult to heal cracks, since during talking, smiling and eating, the skin cracks again and again.

  • Lack of vitamins A, B and E.

The skin loses strength, elasticity and moisture. Lips dry out and burst.

  • Nasal breathing disorder

If a child breathes through his mouth, his lips instantly become chapped, especially in winter, and crack. If your baby does not have a runny nose, but still breathes through his mouth, contact an ENT specialist. Perhaps the problem is in the nasal septum or adenoids.

  • Dehydration

Due to intense physical activity and accelerated metabolism, the child’s body spends a lot of fluid. Its absence primarily affects the condition of the lips - the only area of ​​the skin that does not produce sebum.

  • Stress, fatigue and increased physical activity
  • Side effects of medications (diuretics, hormonal therapy)
  • If a child eats and drinks something outside in winter
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment of cheilitis

Different forms of cheilitis differ in their approach to treatment. Collectively, the impact may include:

  • correction of the psycho-emotional sphere - a neurologist prescribes sedatives, tranquilizers, a psychologist or psychotherapist conducts appropriate psychotherapy;
  • physiotherapy - treatment with laser, ultrasound, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis is prescribed locally; they relieve irritation and accelerate tissue regeneration;
  • drug symptomatic therapy - non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed; in case of severe inflammation - hormonal drugs;
  • immunotherapy – strengthen the immune system by taking immunomodulators and immunostimulants;
  • vitamin therapy - taking vitamins A, C, group B (mainly vitamin B2) is of great importance;
  • surgical treatment – ​​typical for glandular cheilitis with enlargement of the salivary glands; Both laser ablation with a surgical laser and direct removal of areas of the gland are used;
  • antiallergic therapy with antihistamines.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe diet therapy with the exclusion of foods that provoke allergies or chemical irritation of tissues (spicy foods, saltiness and marinades). When staying outdoors for a long time, it is imperative to use special protective equipment.

How to care for your lips?

  • If cracks form, be sure to keep the wounds clean and do not let your child touch them with his hands or chew his lips. If an infection gets into such a crack, it can fester.
  • For older children who will not lick the medicine from their lips, use healing creams and ointments.
  • You can compensate for the lack of vitamins both with the help of tablets and with topical application. Many vitamins are available in the form of capsules, the contents of which are used to treat damaged areas.
  • Monitor the child's emotional state. Perhaps constantly chapped lips are an indicator of increased stress, fears and stress.
  • Pay attention to how much fluid your child drinks. The best alternative to juices and tea is clean drinking water. To avoid irritating your lips again, you can drink through a straw. Especially to avoid contact with hot food and drinks.
  • And, of course, you can’t do without using hygienic lipsticks and lip balms. You can also apply baby cream, olive, castor and sea buckthorn oils to your lips.

La-Cri products are designed specifically to help the little ones. They are based on natural hypoallergenic components and do not use dyes or fragrances.

Lip balm provides daily care, softens and heals lips. And the cream can be used for enhanced healing and regeneration in severe cracks. La-Cri cosmetics are suitable for children from 0 months and will be safe even if the baby licks it from his lips.

Why do lips crack and peel, and what can you do about it? Expert advice

We asked dermatologists what to do if your lips peel and crack, and how to properly care for them if the balm does not help.


  • Olga Fem is a cosmetologist-esthetician with a medical education, the founder of the website
  • Alexander Prokofiev is a dermatovenerologist, medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand.
  • Svetlana Kovaleva is a dermatologist and cosmetologist.
  • Evgenia Reshetnikova is a dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, and head of the medical department at Sesderma.

What causes lips to become dry and flaky?

Most often due to improper care. For example, lack of protection when it is needed.

The fact is that lips are deprived of natural defense mechanisms. This zone is a transition zone between the skin of the face and the oral mucosa, so the skin here has an atypical structure. It is thinner (three layers, not five, no shiny or grainy). The upper stratum corneum is also very thin, and complete keratinization does not occur in it (which is why the lips are soft). The skin of the lips does not contain melanin and is not able to reflect the effects of sunlight. It has a reduced ability to accumulate and retain water. Moisture evaporates much faster than from other areas of the face, and this leads to dryness, flaking, and the risk of inflammation.

Okay, this is in general, but more specifically, why do peeling appear?

There are external and internal reasons. External:

1. You do not use balm before going outside in cold weather (frost, wind). It creates an occlusive film on the surface of the lips, which prevents moisture evaporation and serves as a protective barrier.

2. You do not use a balm with SPF during periods of increased solar activity.

“Because the skin of the lips does not contain melanin, it cannot tan, but it can get burned. A burning sensation and dryness appear,” explains Evgenia Reshetnikova. “ An ordinary balm, without a sun protection factor, does not work here. On the contrary, you risk increasing the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation : the balm, like a lens, will increase exposure to rays.

It is advisable to use a balm with SPF in winter, especially if you are into mountain sports: snow reflects the sun's rays. Apply the product before going out into the sun and reapply every 1.5-2 hours.”

3. Dry air at home and in the office . It is known that hot dry air (from batteries, heaters) dries out the skin. But cold (from the air conditioner), according to experts, is no better.

“It is advisable to maintain humidity at 40-60%,” advises Olga Fem. “Unfortunately, 30% in an apartment in winter is a common occurrence. Buy a humidifier if possible."

4. You lick or bite your lips when you're nervous. Try to keep an eye on this.

5. You breathe through your mouth , and this quickly dehydrates your skin. We need to fight the cause of nasal congestion.

6. You regularly go to a dry (Finnish) sauna, a swimming pool with chlorinated water, and often swim in the sea . The same advice - use balm.

7. Frequent and unnecessary use of lip balm.

Olga Fem: “ Balm and hygienic lipstick are not products for regular care, but for temporary protection. With constant use, they worsen the condition of the lips. Why is that? A barrier film on the surface of the skin prevents moisture evaporation. In certain situations this is useful - for example, in the cold. But, in general, evaporation is a natural physiological process. If the balm is constantly on the lips, the cells do not receive a signal that the natural barrier needs to be repaired - after all, there is an artificial one on the lips. Over time, this leads to the fact that you cannot do without chapstick at all. It’s similar to the situation with smoking: another cigarette quickly relieves discomfort, but it also maintains addiction. How to break the vicious circle? Stop using balms and hygienic lipsticks for no reason.”

“Balm is a means for temporary protection, and not for regular care,” - Olga Fem

8. You unknowingly apply facial care to your lips . If it's a regular moisturizer, no problem. But acne treatment products (especially those with retinol and its derivatives) can cause dryness and flaking when they come into contact with the skin of the lips.

9. When brushing your teeth, the paste gets on the skin of your lips. Menthol and eucalyptus essential oil, even with minute contact with lips, provoke dryness.

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In addition, there are internal causes of dry and flaky lips:

  1. Dehydration of the body . “It can occur if a person drinks a lot of coffee and little clean water or abuses alcohol,” says Olga Fem.
  2. Chronic stress.
  3. Frequently recurrent episodes of herpes infection.
  4. Gut microbiome disruption.
  5. Allergic reaction to cosmetics, food, medicines.
  6. Excess or deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  7. Drug therapy. In particular, such side effects sometimes occur when taking Roaccutane.
  8. Skin diseases - dryness can be a sign of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis.
  9. Cheilitis is a general term for inflammatory processes of the skin of the lips of various types. They occur against the background of individual hypersensitivity to UV rays or frost, hyperfunction of the salivary glands, immunoallergic changes, anxiety and depressive disorders and other factors.
  10. Other chronic and infectious diseases. We won’t list them so as not to scare you, but many pathologies are accompanied by dry lips.

How can you understand that your lips are peeling, for example, due to dry air, and not some kind of disease?

“If the peeling is not very strong, most likely it is caused by bad weather, dry air or the habit of licking your lips,” says Alexander Prokofiev, “But if redness, thickening, burning, disturbance of the skin texture, cracks appear, you need to consult a dermatologist.”

If the problem is episodic or seasonal - for example, it arose with the onset of cold weather, during a vacation at the seaside, or you started going to the pool or using matte lipstick more often than usual - you also don’t have to worry.

“After eliminating the cause or adjusting the care, this dryness will go away on its own,” says Olga Fem. “If you don’t notice any changes after a month, it’s better to go to the doctor. Not necessarily to a dermatologist, but to a therapist. The main thing is not to think about the worst. If there are serious problems in the body, most likely, dryness and flaking will not be the only symptoms. More likely, it’s a matter of insufficient or improper care.”

“Cracks are a more severe symptom than peeling. It’s best to immediately contact a dermatologist,” - Alexander Prokofiev

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Why does the skin of the lips not just peel off, but crack? What to do about it?

“Cracks are a more severe symptom than peeling. It’s best to see a doctor right away,” says Alexander Prokofiev. Svetlana Kovaleva insists on the same thing: “Do not self-medicate, go to a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. Cracks on the lips always indicate the presence of a secondary infection. They can occur against the background of various deficiency conditions and diseases - from lichen planus to diabetes mellitus and oncology.”

What to do right now, before the doctor sees you?

Avoid irritating (salty, spicy, sour) foods for a while. Do not tear off skin flakes and crusts. ​​​​​​​"You can apply an over-the-counter wound-healing, antibacterial agent that is allowed to be used on the outer mucous membrane - says Svetlana Kovaleva - For example, Topicrem Cica or Avene Cicalfate+ restorative cream, or La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 balm."

  • Expert tip: Topicrem Cica revitalizing cream
  • Expert tip: Avene Cicalfate+ Revitalizing Cream
  • Expert tip: La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 balm

What causes cracks in the corners of the lips?

Evgenia Reshetnikova: “This is how angular cheilitis manifests itself (in everyday life they say “jams”), it occurs when there is a bacterial or fungal infection of the lips. The causative agents can be streptococci or fungi of the genus Candida. I don’t recommend treating cheilitis on your own; this should be done by a specialist.”

They say that earwax helps with sticking in the corners of the lips. Is there any explanation for this? What does it contain?

There are two types of earwax, dry and wet. Research confirms that the dry form has antimicrobial properties. It contains immunoglobulins and peptides that prevent the development of bacteria and fungi. On the contrary, wet earwax creates a breeding ground for bacteria and promotes their proliferation.

The type of earwax is determined genetically. It is believed that the descendants of Europeans often have wet sulfur, while those from East Asia tend to have dry sulfur.

Why do children have cracked lips?

“Most often due to fungal microflora or against the background of atopic dermatitis, cheilitis is one of its symptoms. You need to consult a doctor,” repeats Svetlana Kovaleva.

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And if you drink vitamin A, vitamin E or a complex, will your lips recover faster? And in general, is it useful for prevention?

Lips can actually peel due to a lack of vitamins A, E, D, B12 and iron. But you can take any vitamins, microelements and complexes only as prescribed by a doctor, subject to a deficiency confirmed by laboratory tests .

“Having discovered signs of iron deficiency (pale skin, circles under the eyes), you can eat and drink all imaginable dietary supplements and not get results, because at the same time there was a lack of vitamin B and carrier protein,” explains Svetlana Kovaleva. Her opinion is supported by Evgenia Reshetnikova: “If you choose your own vitamins and their dosage, there is a risk of getting hypervitaminosis and corresponding negative consequences.”

“Yes, you can read on the Internet that some person took vitamin E, and it helped him,” continues Svetlana Kovaleva. “But a lack of vitamin E causes peeling and cracked lips in a very small number of cases. Most likely, that person was lucky by chance. The same applies to traditional methods of treatment: those who have been helped declare it publicly. The other 50 people who felt no better, or even worse, are unlikely to write about it on the Internet. It’s embarrassing to admit that you applied, for example, melted fat to your lips and hoped that it would help.”

So in the end – how to take care of your lips? How often can I use the balm?

Check list:

  1. Apply the cream to your lips morning and evening.

Which cream to use - a special one for the lips or an existing one for the eyelids - is at your discretion. Dermatologists have different opinions.

“There are special lip creams, but personally I think this is not necessary,” says Olga Fem. “You can use a moisturizing or anti-age eyelid cream. The skin around the eyes is also thin and sensitive, and products designed for this area are suitable for lip care.”

Svetlana Kovaleva believes that eye creams can be applied around the lips - but not on the lips.

“If the manufacturer does not directly indicate that the product is suitable for the red border of the lips, then you should not apply it there. When you drink tea, have lunch, or simply lick your lips, the cream will get onto the mucous membrane and into the gastrointestinal tract, and potential risks are not monitored. For example, insulin is released when glucose enters the oral mucosa at a normal acidity level of pH7. If the balance changes, it has a negative impact. Therefore, I advise you to use only those creams that are specifically designed for lips. There is no 100% guarantee that all of them were tested for oral use (since we are talking about cosmetic care, not a medical drug). But at least there is confidence that the manufacturer took this scenario into account when developing the product.”

  • Expert advice: Moisturizing cream-protector for lips Silcses, Sesderma. Price – 1525 rub.
  • Expert advice: Instant lip balm + prolonging cream activator Fillderma Lips, Sesderma . Price – 3530 rub.
  • Total Lip Treatment lip cream . Price – 6505 rub.
  • Editor's Choice: Arctic Hydra Care Rich Lip Cream, Lumene. Price – 665 rub.
  • Editor's choice: Wine Elixir lip cream, Apivita. Price – 2228 rub.

2. To determine how often to use a balm, choose which of the following descriptions best describes your lips:

Option A) - During the year, your lips are more often in normal condition than in problematic condition. Usually they don't bother. Dryness and peeling appear sporadically.

Option B) – During the year, your lips are more likely to be in a problematic condition. They regularly dry out and peel, and this does not depend on the season. They always want to smear something on them.

If you chose option “A”, use the balm when:

  • going outside in cold windy weather;
  • going to the beach / for a walk in the city during maximum solar activity (renew balm with SPF every 1.5-2 hours);
  • skiing/snowboarding on a sunny day (SPF!);
  • go to the sauna or swimming pool.
  • Topicrem Ultra-Moisturizing Lip Balm . Price – 537 rub.
  • Regenerating barrier balm for children and adults Cicaplast, La Roche-Posay . Price – 528 rub.
  • Expert tip: Repaskin Lips Sunscreen SPF 50, Sesderma . Price – 1990 rub.
  • Editor's choice: Nourishing lip balm Apaisac, Biorga. Price – 495 rub.
  • Editor's Choice: Neutrogena Lip Balm. Price – 250 rub.
  • Editor's Choice: Carmex Lip Balm. Price – 350 rub.
  • Editor's choice: Lips 101 lip balm, Lanolips. Price – 1290 rub.
  • Editor's choice: Nutricia Baume Levres Cocoon Balm, Payot. Price – 1595 rub.
  • Editor's choice: the Lip Balm, La Mer. Price – 5300 rub.

If you chose option “B”, a dermatologist should advise you on the balm and the mode of its use.

“There are people who have a tendency to cheilitis. They need to use preventive balms every day, sometimes several times a day. For selection, you should consult a dermatologist,” recommends Svetlana Kovaleva.

3. Drink more water, less dehydrating drinks (coffee, soda, energy drinks).

4. Get rid of the habit of licking your lips and biting off dry scales. This prevents your skin from recovering normally.

Additionally: it is useful to buy an air humidifier and do self-massage. “In the lip area is the orbicularis oris muscle. Massage of this area activates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation and the appearance of the lips. In this video I show how to do it,” Olga Fem.

What about lip scrubs? Are they useful?

“If you are not concerned about the condition of your lips, you do not need to exfoliate them with anything additional. The skin is renewed naturally. If you feel the need to scrub, then there’s probably a reason? Peeling? – says Svetlana Kovaleva. “In this case, you need to diagnose what’s wrong. The scrub will not affect the cause of the problem, but may injure thin skin. I am convinced that scales should never be removed by force. Very high risk of subsequent pathological processes. Only softening and moisturizing with special balms and creams.”

Olga Fem believes that, if necessary, you can use soft enzyme peels without abrasive particles - the same ones that are intended for the face (but try not to lick your lips!) They are less traumatic compared to scrubs.

If I wear lipstick or gloss every day, does it have a bad effect on my lips? Even when they are claimed to be moisturizing?

Mineral oil/wax based lipsticks and lip glosses can work as a protective barrier in the cold. But using them daily will most likely lead to dryness. Moisturizing components evaporate after 1-2-3 hours (depending on the specific product). After this, it is advisable to update the lipstick, but not everyone does this and not always.

Evgenia Reshetnikova: “Most glosses and lipsticks do not contain SPF and do not protect against ultraviolet radiation. Quite the contrary: the pigments included in their composition are often photosensitizers and increase skin sensitivity to the sun.”

I heard that they are now injecting hyaluronic acid to moisturize (not plump) the lips. Worth a try?

They work on the principle of biorevitalization: they introduce hyaluronic acid into the skin, which becomes less abundant with age. The moisturizing effect does not last long, about 1-1.5 months. Since in the body this polysaccharide is broken down by enzymes.

“Such manipulations should be discussed individually with a cosmetologist. I believe that they are justified in cases of age-related deficiency of hyluuronic acid, a decrease in the quality and quantity of collagen, and weakening of muscle tissue. In other cases, it is better to use therapeutic methods,” says Svetlana Kovaleva.

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Stupid question: what condition of the lips is considered normal?-) Maybe they are fine, but I consider them dry because I have seen enough photoshopped portraits on Instagram?

The norm is considered to be a condition that does not cause discomfort.

“It’s easy to check whether you are properly caring for the skin of your lips,” says Olga Fem. “In the morning, wash your face with filtered or boiled water and do not apply any cream or lipstick to your lips. It's better to choose a day when you can stay home.

If you take proper care of your lips, one day without cream and balm will not lead to dryness. You won’t feel the urge to apply anything, you’ll feel comfortable.”

Our experts:

Olga Fem

Cosmetologist-esthetician with medical education, creator of the website, Instagram – @olgafem. YouTube channel –

Svetlana Kovaleva

Dermatologist, cosmetologist, Educational.

Evgenia Reshetnikova

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, head of the medical department of Sesderma.

Alexander Prokofiev

Dermatovenerologist, medical expert at La Roche-Posay. Works in . Participated in clinical trials of drugs.

Instagram @dr.prokofyev

Experts' opinion

As a result of clinical studies conducted, it was confirmed that La Cree lip balm:

  • relieves discomfort and dry skin;
  • restores dry and chapped lips;
  • moisturizes and protects the delicate skin of the lips from cold and wind.

The conducted clinical study proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of products for daily skin care of children with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted.


  1. Fokina R.A., Atopic dermatitis: stages of development of classification forms, Siberian Medical Journal, 2007
  2. A.N. Pampura, A.A. Chuslyaeva, Modern approaches to the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children
  3. Yukhtina N.V., Modern ideas about atopic dermatitis in children

Photos of diathesis

Photo album on the disease

Causes of cheilitis

Cheilitis is a polymorphic and multifactorial disease that can be triggered by infections, physical and chemical environmental factors, as well as internal characteristics of the body. Among them:

  • constant exposure to the open air - inflammation and peeling of the lips occurs when chapped by hot or cold air, excessive insolation;
  • the presence of chronic diseases with skin manifestations of symptoms - various types of dermatitis, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, lichen planus, syphilis, etc.;
  • allergic reactions of the body - mainly with food allergies;
  • tissue irritation from regular exposure to chemicals, including medications (for example, nasal drops);
  • various neurological disorders, severe stressful situations, depression, constant anxiety;
  • endocrine abnormalities - primarily hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus.

What is cheilitis

This is a collective term for a whole group of diseases that have one thing in common - inflammation of the red border of the lips. In clinical practice, it is customary to distinguish several forms, which is why the symptoms of cheilitis in adults or children depend.

The inflammatory process can be long-lasting, persist for weeks, or appear and disappear. By the way, cheilitis in adults often goes away on its own, but in the elderly or children it almost always requires drug treatment.

Important! Some forms of cheilitis are precancerous forms of inflammation.

Folk recipes

In addition to traditional methods, there are many folk remedies for treating cracked lips.

  • Natural honey. It acts as an antiseptic and soothes painful wounds. Unlike traditional medicines, honey has no restrictions on its use - you can lubricate your lips with natural sweetness at least every hour.
  • Natural aloe juice. It is recommended to apply freshly cut aloe leaf to cracks for several days in the morning and evening.
  • Butter or rendered animal fat. You can find effective remedies in your refrigerator and lubricate your lips with oil.

Symptoms of cheilitis in adults

The manifestations of the disease largely depend on its form.

Cheilitis due to endocrine diseases. In this case, the main symptom is dryness and the formation of deep cracks. In general, the following symptoms are characteristic of cheilitis:

  • burning;
  • formation of crusts on the lips;
  • itching;
  • in some cases soreness;
  • edema.

Glandular cheilitis. It is based on changes and inflammation of the minor salivary glands. It is characterized by dry lips, which can be easily eliminated with the help of decorative and medicinal cosmetics. Later, as it progresses, deep cracks appear, which may even bleed. The situation is complicated by constant licking of the lips in order to moisten the red border.

Contact-allergic cheilitis. It develops after exposure to an allergen. Cosmetics, toothpaste, etc. can provoke a reaction. The main symptoms in this case include:

  • severe itching;
  • burning;
  • edema;
  • redness of the red border and mucous membrane.

In general, cheilitis is characterized by burning, crusting on the lips, itching, swelling, and sometimes pain. Photo: Commons.wikimedia, James Heilman, MD

With systematic exposure to an allergen, bubbles form, and after opening, ulcers and erosions appear.

Actinic cheilitis. It is also called meteorological and is based on increased sensitivity to natural and weather conditions. Consequently, symptoms are more likely to appear during strong winds, frost or scorching sun. The main symptoms are dryness, redness; in complex cases, exudative forms develop with the formation of painful ulcers and erosions. And it is precisely this form, under a combination of circumstances, that more often turns into oncopathology.

Atopic cheilitis. It is directly related to dermatitis of the same name, and the appearance of symptoms can be triggered by the use of cosmetics, nutrition, infections and waste products of pathogens. Typical manifestations are itching, peeling, redness, crusting, etc.

Macrochelitus. This is a special form of inflammation that manifests itself against the background of neuritis of the facial nerve. Characteristic symptoms include lip enlargement, itching, swelling of other parts of the face, and changes in lip shade. The lesion may affect one or both lips, spread to the cheeks and parts of the face.

Cheilitis due to hypovitaminosis. The clinical picture in this case will depend on the deficiency of a particular vitamin. The main symptoms are peeling, formation of cracks, swelling, redness.

Contact dermatitis

How contact dermatitis manifests itself and how it can be cured: KP help

In what cases is it important to stop self-medication and consult a specialist?

Experts warn that chapped lips are not only an aesthetic problem, but they can indicate the presence of diseases that we know about or not. Therefore, home treatment for dryness and small cracks on the lips must be stopped immediately and a visit to a medical facility should not be postponed in the following cases:

  1. If the condition of your lips does not improve after 2-3 weeks, you should find out the reason. Because it could be an allergic reaction to lipstick, lip balm or one of the ingredients in toothpaste.
  2. Herpes is the most common infectious disease of the lips. You must react at the first symptoms so that this pimple does not grow and damage your lips.
  3. If lips are persistently red, dry, or scaly, this may be a sign of an underlying systemic infection.
  4. If cracks or white spots systematically appear on the lips and corners, despite the use of a moisturizing balm. These signs may indicate a yeast infection: oral thrush, angular cheilitis, or thrush associated with a microscopic fungus.

The main reasons why lips are damaged

The skin consists of several layers: hypodermis, dermis and epidermis. This last surface layer is designed to protect against aggressive external influences, since it consists of a hydrolipid film, partly produced by the sebaceous glands.

There are no sebaceous glands or melanocytes on the lips. It is for these reasons that lips are especially sensitive, easily damaged and most susceptible to external aggression (rain, wind, cold, etc.).

The extent of lip damage depends on the degree of dryness. A slightly dehydrated lip will look a little dry. Slight peeling may then appear. As dehydration continues, flaking becomes more intense, giving the lips a pale appearance. Finally, as dry skin becomes more severe, cracks may appear on the lips, which can cause bleeding. At this point, the person begins to feel pain with every movement of the mouth.

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