the tongue has become rough
Rough tongue: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods and reviews
At home, you can conduct a quick health diagnosis yourself. All that is needed for this is
macroglossia of the tongue
In what cases can a child’s tongue become enlarged and why is it dangerous?
Macroglossia - causes of tongue enlargement and consequences of the anomaly From time immemorial, tongue has served as the main indicator
Papilloma in a child's mouth
HPV, human papillomavirus (human papillomavirus infection, anogenital (venereal) warts, human papillomavirus)
Oral papillomas are benign neoplasms in the oral cavity that grow from epithelial cells.
Why does it happen to bite your lip? Interpretation of signs and ways to neutralize beliefs
If you believe the signs, biting your lip prophesies the emergence of serious problems in your personal life and career,
I bit my lip. Grandmother says that in this way fate gives us a hint
You shouldn’t take folk signs too seriously, but knowing them broadens our horizons and
Incorrect bite as a cause of injury to the tongue and cheeks
Dental practice confirms that most people's bite is not ideal. Sometimes parents pay attention
“Schiplet”, “schipet” or “pinches”: how do you spell the word?
For many, the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the body is a reason to start worrying. Many of us,
Ketone bodies
A person smells of acetone: causes, diagnosis, possible diseases, treatment
According to scientists, people choose their soulmate based on body odor. It is believed that
callus on tongue
Callus on the tongue - causes, symptoms and treatment features
What it represents In medical terminology, a pip or callus is called glossitis. This is an inflammatory disease of tissue
HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY in the practice of an emergency physician
Top 5 Causes of Bad Breath Frequent communication with other people is an integral part of
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