The child breathes through his mouth in his sleep
A bend in the gallbladder in children - what is the danger of a bend in the gallbladder for a child?
Bends, as well as bends of such a structure as the gallbladder, are characterized by a violation of the anatomical structure of the organ
Caries under the gum
What to do if your gums turn blue after tooth extraction?
Caries under the gum, if not treated promptly, can lead to severe tooth decay.
Balanced diet - Smile Line Dentistry
Oral candidiasis - causes, symptoms and treatment
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
White plaque on the head of the penis
White plaque on the head of the penis - how to treat?
As on other parts of the body, on the head of the penis and the inside of the foreskin
Microbiota of the oral cavity and its connection with the occurrence of local and generalized infection
Free webinars on anti-aging medicine Learn about the features of the Anti-Age Expert International School, as well as
Location of the major salivary glands in humans
Histological examination of the salivary glands in Moscow
Detailed description of the study Salivary gland cancer is a malignant tumor of the salivary gland, formed from epithelial
Why does a sore throat not go away? Frequent errors in treatment
Author: Elena Vitalievna Naumova, otolaryngologist, leading doctor of the clinic 2.82 (Votes: 11) Acute tonsillitis with
Tongue frenulum
What to do if the frenulum under the tongue is damaged
. A tiny patch of skin under the tongue can sometimes cause a lot of problems and worries. Speech
Image 1: GERD - Family Doctor Clinic
Why does the smell of bleach appear in the mouth and how to get rid of it?
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease caused by repeated spontaneous reflux of stomach contents.
Acne treatment
Coxsackievirus in children: herpangina and hand-foot-mouth disease
What diseases cause a rash on the lips Pimples, redness and other signs of irritation on the lips
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