What kind of alcohol doesn't make your breath smell?
What kind of alcohol is better to drink so that there is less fumes?
Causes of the smell of alcohol on the breath p, blockquote 3,0,0,0,0 —> In order to quickly and
Why does my mouth taste like blood?
Cough with a taste of blood: causes and treatment methods
Cough with blood: causes of the disease in an adult In some cases, when the cough is strong, dry
Byron Schlenker
Plaque on the tongue in adults: normal or abnormal?
Incredible facts The human tongue is a muscular organ covered with a mucous membrane. This small organ
hexoral for stomatitis
The benefits and harms of Hexoral for stomatitis in adults and children
Hexoral for stomatitis is one of the most effective drugs. It has a wide spectrum of action,
Causes of development and correction of a small lower jaw
Modern methods for correcting a small lower jaw
16955 Malocclusion is a fairly common phenomenon that can be confidently interpreted as a diagnosis.
The guy was born without a lower jaw, but this did not stop him from becoming a rapper. Now his optimism inspires people
The main methods of treating missing lower teeth In the case where a tooth is completely missing (even missing
What to do if a child still has no teeth at 8 months?
What is edentia in children? Edentia in children is a partial or complete absence
ALF device for correcting bite
Modern tactics for correcting malocclusion using the ALF device or how to get rid of orthodontic problems without braces
To correct bites in adults and children, the orthodontic department of the Dial-Dent clinic uses various
Why a child has no teeth: the main reasons and ways to solve the problem
If we proceed from the generally accepted canons of the formation of the dental row in a child, then by six months, maximum
How to distinguish a baby tooth from a molar
What do parents need to know about children's molars?
The replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones usually takes place without any problems. However, many parents worry
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