Bone atrophy: why does it occur and how to fight it?
Dear friends, today’s topic of conversation, in fact, should be a prologue to all our
Improving apexification - clinical cases with successful apex formation in young patients
The development and formation of teeth is the longest process of organogenesis in the human body: starting with
supernumerary teeth
Removal of impacted (semi-retained), dystopic 8th tooth with root separation
Normally, a person grows 52 teeth over a lifetime: 20 milk teeth and 32 teeth.
Recommendations for using the elastopositioner Corrector
Defects eliminated using an elastopositioner Corrector
8786 Today, correcting the bite or incorrect position of the teeth in children of school and
Photos of teeth under a microscope or what plaque actually looks like
A scary story about terrible killer bacteria is one of the most effective ways to influence consciousness
Are yellow teeth in a child an individual trait or a pathology?
The first signs of yellow teeth may appear in a child with the appearance of the first molar. On
first teeth
How to decipher the sign of a child’s first tooth?
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Natal teeth
Incredible! Children born with teeth: causes and consequences
Most children have their first teeth at 6-8 months. And when we see that
Stylohyoid syndrome and the main morphological characteristics of the styloid process of the temporal bone that contribute to its occurrence
Carrying out diagnostics of syndromes For high-quality testing for the presence of a disease, it is necessary to perform a full range of various
Treatment of stomatitis in children
How to properly treat stomatitis with Lugol's drug
Stomatitis is one of the most common dental diseases, which is expressed in damage to the mucous membrane
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