How can I find out which clinic the house belongs to?
Primary and secondary health care specialists see citizens in clinics that are listed according to a specific
How to learn to laugh beautifully. How to laugh properly
Laughter is very good for health. According to research, laughter lowers blood pressure and also relieves
Pon method in orthodontics and other methods of biometric research of the jaw
Biometrics in the study of the jaw is of decisive importance, as it allows one to diagnose various malocclusions,
Vampire fangs: features of correction in children and adults
From this article you will learn: when the first teeth appear, the order of teething in children,
Great white shark (33 photos)
How many teeth does a large shark have: diagram of the jaw, gill arches, number of teeth and rows of shark teeth 
Fear and curiosity – these are the feelings the creators of the blockbuster “Jaws” hoped to evoke in viewers, but
Common factors for the development of gingivitis
Hypertrophic gingivitis: development features and treatment
The most common form of gingivitis is catarrhal gingivitis, which affects the gums, causing superficial inflammation.
How long does it take for babies to erupt their first teeth and what kind, how can I help my baby?
When do the first teeth start to come out in babies? The table shows at what age they erupt
Electrochemical (corrosive) processes in the oral cavity
Galvanosis The oral cavity is a complex biological environment, in the soft tissue structures and mucous membranes of which, under the influence
Stanton capdepon syndrome
Center for the Study and Treatment of Post-Covid Syndrome
In this article we will look at Stanton-Capdepont syndrome, a disease determined at the gene level. Manifested by damage
What kind of teeth come in at 2 years old?
Molars in children - symptoms of teething, complications, care
Knowing the symptoms of teething and being able to provide assistance, loving parents will alleviate the baby’s condition and
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