5 features of using trays for teeth whitening

October 21, 2019

Many people are interested in what dental guards are and what types they come in. But recently, devices that are used directly to lighten enamel have been of particular interest. Of course, because in this case, mouth guards are a more affordable alternative to safe in-office whitening methods. Plus, they allow you to achieve results at home. However, the editors of the UltraSmile.ru portal consider it their duty to warn readers that you need to know how to use these products correctly, and in order not to be disappointed with the result and not cause harm to your health, you need to know the nuances of their use.

What types of mouthguards are there and for what purposes are they used?

There is no need to confuse mouth guards (or mouth guards with two “p”) for whitening with mouth guards for straightening teeth (aligners), as well as mouth guards for consolidating the results of orthodontic treatment. Although individually developed designs have an external similarity, as can be seen from numerous photos on the Internet, the main purpose of each variety is, of course, different.

The photo shows custom designed mouthguards

The main goal of whitening agents is to keep the lightening gel on the teeth so that it can take effect. Aligners have a completely different main goal: they act on the dentition, forcing them to move in a given direction - when doctors say “aligners,” they mean “aligners,” and this definition is more correct, because Translated from English, this word means “to align.” Retention aligners are used after wearing braces to consolidate the results of treatment; they prevent the teeth from returning to their original, crooked position.

There are also other types of mouthguards - sports for those who engage in traumatic sports and without this device risk being left without teeth. There are baby devices for proper teething. There are devices that relax the masticatory muscles and are suitable for the treatment of TMNS dysfunctions. There are also products that protect the enamel from damage at night - they are prescribed to those who suffer from bruxism and involuntarily clench their jaws during sleep.

Purposes of using a night guard

  • Prevent abrasion of tooth enamel.
  • Relieve tension in the chewing muscles of the jaw.
  • Normalize the functioning of the temporomandibular joint.

Often, wearing a sleep guard is the first step in correcting your bite and precedes the installation of braces. And in some cases, mouthguards are worn when braces are already installed to protect them from accidental breakage due to involuntary clenching of the jaws. They can also serve as protection for crowns and fixed dentures.

What do enamel whitening trays look like?

The photo of a dental guard shows that it is a removable device made of transparent and elastic silicone or plastic. Such a device is placed on the teeth, but by itself it will not lighten the enamel unless a special whitening compound is placed inside it.

For whitening, the tray is filled with a special whitening composition

In order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to distribute a lightening gel inside the trays, the main active component of which will be either hydrogen or carbamide peroxide. The first option is considered more preferable if you need to achieve a better whitening effect (but you need to be extremely careful with it so as not to injure soft and hard tissues). The second one has a more gentle effect on the enamel and mucous membranes, which means the result will be somewhat worse.

Also today there are gels that do not contain peroxide (for example, Hi Lite 2). The main active component in their composition is hydroxylit, which acts even more gently and less aggressively than hydrogen and urea, but to achieve a positive result it needs to be used an order of magnitude longer - not 10-14 days, but 4-6 weeks.

Mouthguards are a universal tool that is suitable not only for whitening, but also for strengthening enamel with remineralizing compounds enriched with calcium and fluoride. What effect you get will depend on the composition used.

Whiten your teeth at home comfortably and safely

Even the most attractive face, the most charming smile, is spoiled by yellow teeth. Is the enamel yellowed by smoking or food coloring? Or maybe she is naturally slightly yellowish, and this makes her feel embarrassed about her smile? Home teeth whitening will help solve the problem - but not various “folk methods” that literally dissolve the enamel and hopelessly damage teeth, but professionally, under the supervision of a dentist. The doctor will not only select the optimal trays for whitening, but will also give useful recommendations and monitor the entire process. Only in this case, teeth whitening yourself, at home, will be safe and effective.

For comfort and better effect, choose individual mouth guards

Not everyone knows that teeth whitening using aligners will be more effective if you order individually designed products. The fact is that the mouth guards may well be template or standard - they can be purchased at an affordable price in any online store or pharmacy, plus they will also come with a whitening gel. Such a purchase can be made quickly, and it is advantageous in terms of cost. But there are also disadvantages.

Template trays are sold together with a special gel

For example, standard products do not fit everyone in size, they do not correspond to the individual characteristics of the jaw, they may not hold well and fall out, they may injure the mucous membrane, and rub. The danger is also that the gels included in the kit may contain an inappropriate concentration of the active substance specifically for you, which is fraught with, at best, the absence of any effect at all, and at worst - thinning, fragility, pain and hypersensitivity of the enamel, burns of the mucous membrane, allergic reactions .

Today, thermoplastic mouthguards for reusable use (for example, REVYLINE1 or Diamondbrite brands) are also very popular. To fix them on your teeth, you must first place the products for a few seconds in water at a temperature of 80 degrees. After heating, they become soft and take the shape of any jaw. Of course, they will not provide a perfect fit, but they are more comfortable than template ones and less expensive than custom ones.

“I bought myself a set of thermoplastic mouth guards (2 pieces included - for the upper and lower jaw) in China. I waited a whole month, but at a bargain price! Use this extremely carefully, because... if you keep it in hot water, it will simply become deformed and will no longer be suitable for any further manipulations. I ruined one thing like that, and now I know what I’m talking about! Otherwise, they are quite normal, they don’t smell like plastic, they don’t cause discomfort, they suited me, but the effect, I think, depends more on what the composition is inside.”

Lika, fragment of review from otzovik.com

The photo shows REVYLINE mouthguards

Unlike template ones, individual dental mouth guards are free from the listed disadvantages, because they are created from jaw casts for each specific patient in a dental laboratory. They are also suitable for repeated use. At the same time, dentistry will select the optimal concentration of the gel based on the clinical situation, the condition of the teeth and gums, expectations, and the degree of darkening of your enamel.


A healthy, snow-white smile is perhaps every person’s dream. Rarely lucky are those who received this gift from nature! But don't despair. In modern dentistry, there are a great many safe ways to get the smile of your dreams!

At the DENTALROOM clinic you can perfect your smile using the following types of whitening:

  • Professional whitening Philips ZOOM! WS (ZOOM 4)
  • Home whitening kit Philips ZOOM! DayWhite and NiteWhite
  • Whitening Opalescence Boost
  • Intracoronal whitening Opalescence Endo
  • Opalescence TresWhite Supreme Home Whitening Kit

Whitening Philips ZOOM! WS (ZOOM 4)

Philips ZOOM! WhiteSpeed ​​is recognized as the #1 brand for teeth whitening.

Clinically proven:

  • whitens teeth up to eight shades in 45 minutes (3 cycles of 15 minutes), in most cases 30 minutes (2 cycles) is enough
  • allows you to achieve more effective results compared to other professional whitening products
  • modern LED technology Philips ZOOM! WhiteSpeed ​​combined with whitening gel significantly speeds up the whitening process, delivering impressive results in just one visit

Stages of teeth whitening:

Preparatory stage

It all starts with a consultation with a dentist and a thorough examination. If during the examination caries or inflammation of the gums is revealed, all this must be eliminated before the start of whitening procedures.

Also, it is first necessary to carry out professional oral hygiene to accurately determine the natural color of the enamel and the most effective whitening.

Main stage

  • determining the color of future enamel using the VITA scale
  • thorough treatment of the soft tissues of the oral cavity (cheeks, gums and lips) with special protective agents that will protect the sensitive mucous membrane from the effects of the concentrated gel
  • applying an active gel to the surface of the teeth and activating its action with a special cold light lamp. One cycle lasts 15 minutes. Then the whole process is repeated and after each session the specialist evaluates the result, adds whitening gel if necessary and adjusts the intensity of light radiation.

The final stage

  • removal of protective composition
  • removing whitening compound from enamel
  • evaluation of the result obtained
  • further recommendations to maintain the achieved results for as long as possible

If you follow all the recommendations of your dentist, the result can last for several years!

Our clinic is an official partner of Philips, so our patients have the opportunity to make sure that the kit recommended by the manufacturer will be used during the procedure. Each set contains a certificate with a unique code. To verify the authenticity of the whitening kit, you need to enter it on the website - https://philips.pharmgeocom.ru/testcode Safety of the procedure with Philips Zoom kits and gels! proven by clinical studies.

Immediately after whitening, our experts recommend carrying out a remineralization procedure, which allows you to consolidate the results, strengthen the enamel and prevent the occurrence of increased tooth sensitivity.

Home whitening Philips ZOOM! DayWhite and NiteWhite

The DayWhite and NiteWhite systems are very easy to use and work on the same principle. The only difference is when and for how long you wear the mouthguard.

When using DayWhite, the tray is worn twice a day: you can do the first procedure in the morning and the next in the evening. When using NiteWhite, the mouth guard is worn throughout the night; you can remove the mouth guard as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Before the whitening procedure, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth to remove plaque, and then follow these simple steps:

  • Squeeze a pea-sized amount of whitening gel into each cavity of the tray.
  • Carefully place the trays on the upper and lower jaws
  • After the recommended time has passed, remove the trays and rinse them thoroughly with cold water.
  • Brush your teeth and evaluate the result

Each at-home whitening system is made with unique ingredients that protect enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity.

Whitening Opalescence Boost

The Opalescence Boost whitening system is a method of chemical teeth whitening. The system is presented as a two-component gel mixture, which contains hydrogen peroxide in high concentration (about 40%). The whitening formula also contains fluoride and calcium, which help strengthen tooth enamel and reduce the risk of caries and tooth sensitivity. The result of this procedure is the lightening of the enamel up to 8 tones!

When applied to dental surfaces, the active components of the gel penetrate into the deep layers of enamel and dentin and eliminate pigment substances in them due to an oxidation reaction. At the same time, the use of Opalescence Boost gels does not damage the healthy state of tooth enamel and does not lead to its cracking and weakening.

The procedure is safe for enamel and dentin, creates an excellent preventive effect against the development of caries, and its results, with proper oral hygiene and compliance with doctor’s recommendations, last for a long time - up to two years . Thanks to the gentle action of the helium substances used in the system, the procedure is also suitable for those with hypersensitive teeth.

Intracoronal whitening Opalescence Endo

Opalescence Endo is a chemical whitening of non-vital teeth (i.e., pulpless), the so-called intracoronal (inside the tooth) whitening of one tooth. This type of whitening is used to eliminate internal discoloration of one (or several) teeth.

Intra-canal whitening for discolored teeth is a medical procedure that should only be performed in a dental office by a dentist. Before starting the whitening procedure, it is necessary to check the quality of the previously performed endodontic treatment and the tightness of the root canal filling.

Indications for intracoronal bleaching

The color of the enamel may change due to the following reasons:

  • as a result of injury
  • after depulpation
  • after filling the canals with resorcinol-formalin paste, which gives the tooth a pink tint (so-called “resorcinolized teeth”)

Opalescence Endo is a rather complex intracanal bleaching procedure, which is carried out by introducing a gel with 35% hydrogen peroxide into a prepared, cleaned cavity and placing a temporary filling. This is repeated until the desired effect is achieved (3-5 days)

Whitening course Opalescence TresWhite Supreme

Opalescence TresWhite Supreme are gel-filled trays for home whitening.

The TresWhite Supreme tray is filled with a viscous, intense whitening gel based on 10% hydrogen peroxide containing potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride. The increased viscosity of the whitening gel prevents it from leaking out of the tray.

Features of whitening with the Opalescence TresWhiteSupreme system:

  • application takes a minimum of your time, only 30-60 minutes once a day
  • gives noticeable and quick results in just 5-10 days
  • does not require the cost of manufacturing individual mouth guards
  • The mouthguard is made of the finest material and easily fits to the dentition
  • during use, the TresWhite mouthguard is almost invisible and does not cause any inconvenience
  • The manufacturer offers three types of flavors: mint, melon, peach

With the help of Opalescence gel, you can easily and quickly lighten your teeth by 4-5 shades and eliminate stains of various origins. The average course duration is 5-10 applications. If all recommendations of the dentist are followed, the effect lasts for up to a year on average.

Contraindications to the whitening procedure:

  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • childhood and adolescence
  • damaged enamel
  • caries and other dental diseases
  • gum disease
  • allergy to the components of the whitening composition
  • mental illness in the acute stage

You can make an appointment with a dentist using a special online booking form on our website or by phone.

Before using mouth guards, be sure to undergo professional hygiene

What are teeth whitening trays and what they look like, you have already seen in the photo. Their purpose is to hold the brightening composition on the enamel. However, it is important to remember that their use together with the gel will be completely unproductive if, before the course of procedures, soft, hard bacterial and pigmented plaque is not removed from the enamel, and it is not polished so that the effect is uniform and generally noticeable. Also, do not forget that during the professional hygiene procedure, the doctor strengthens the enamel with fluoride, seals the smallest cracks, which makes it possible to increase its strength and resistance to any traumatic factors, which to one degree or another is bleaching.

The photo shows teeth brushing with the Air Flow system.

Consult your dentist about the advisability of using aligners to lighten the shade of enamel. Before the course of procedures, treat your teeth from caries and pulpitis, but it is better to replace old fillings in the smile area after achieving a positive result, because Whitening agents will not work on them, and they will stand out from the rest of the teeth.

Who can benefit from teeth whitening with gel trays? Important nuances

Most often, this method is used by people whose teeth have turned yellow due to negative external influences:

  1. Smoking (nicotine changes the color of teeth).
  2. Drinking large doses of coffee or tea (same thing).
  3. Taking drugs of the tetracycline group (the enamel turns yellow or even acquires an orange tint).
  4. Age-related changes (in older people).

To achieve good results, it is necessary to take into account that the whitening effect will not last long (or will be weak) if negative factors are not excluded during the use of the tray and at the end of the course. Of course, age-related changes do not apply to this, but smoking or consuming too much coffee or tea is undesirable.

Note! Fillings and dental implants DO NOT WHITEN. Therefore, if the filled areas are in a “prominent place”, or the front real teeth alternate with artificial ones, it is better not to use mouthguards (there will be a contrast in shades).

Read about contraindications for use

Whitening trays themselves for home use have no contraindications, but gels for lightening enamel have quite a lot of limitations: the presence of braces and tongue piercings, lactation and pregnancy in women, children under 18 years of age, respiratory diseases and asthma, intolerance to certain gel components and allergic reactions. A course of procedures cannot be carried out immediately after surgical interventions in the oral cavity (for example, after tooth extraction), in case of inflammation of the mucous membrane, in case of multiple caries, or in the presence of thin and brittle enamel.

Why is bruxism dangerous?

Bruxism is uncontrollable grinding or clenching of teeth due to spasms in the chewing muscles. This is a fairly common phenomenon, but not all patients realize that the disease poses serious problems:

  • pathological abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • loss of fillings, crowns;
  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (clicking, pain when opening/closing the mouth);
  • chronic insomnia and fatigue;
  • headaches, dizziness.

Teeth grinding is mainly characteristic of the night, when a person is sleeping and does not control the movements of the jaw. However, in many patients the problem also manifests itself during the day - they involuntarily clench their teeth under stress or when concentrating.

Strictly follow the instructions for use

How to whiten teeth with a mouthguard so that it is as effective and safe for health as possible? The main thing that is required of you is to strictly follow the instructions for using the bleaching composition, i.e. Do not keep the gel for less or longer than the specified time. As a rule, you need to undergo a course of procedures that will take no more than 10-14 days (half an hour a day).

Instructions for use should be strictly followed

How to use mouthguards? Before installation, you need to perform thorough oral hygiene and brush your teeth. Next, you need to fill the pad with gel and fix it on the jaw so that the brightening composition does not come into contact with the mucous membrane. It’s convenient that the procedures can be performed at home, and while the aligners are on your teeth, you can spend time as you want - doing everyday household chores, at the computer, watching movies and reading books.

You cannot talk or eat while wearing whitening trays. After removing them, you need to thoroughly rinse the oral cavity and the products themselves with running water, then you need to dry the mouth guards and put them in a place protected from light and dust - for example, in a special container. Avoid eating or drinking for two hours after the procedure.

Do not neglect the rules of operation of these devices and wear them longer or for more days than required by the instructions. Also, do not leave products in your mouth overnight unless this has been specified in the instructions. You won’t be able to achieve a better effect from this, but you can easily spoil the enamel of your teeth, cause pain and irritation of the mucous membrane.

Why shouldn't you expect a wow effect?

Professional dentists confirm the fact that when using aligners, the patient should not expect a radical transformation and the acquisition of a snow-white Hollywood smile. The maximum you can lighten the enamel in this way is 2-4 shades, and then only if you have prepared for the procedures and have undergone professional oral hygiene.

If you really pursue the goal of making your smile 4-12 shades lighter, then there is no alternative to professional whitening methods. But mouth guards after in-office procedures are quite suitable for maintaining the results at a high level for many years of life.


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  1. According to the website of the official manufacturer revyline.ru

Expert “Along with certain advantages, mouthguards for home whitening also have disadvantages. Many of those who used the devices without consulting a doctor remain disappointed, because... They note that the stains on the enamel are still preserved, the shade remains the same. It’s better to use trays to maintain the results of in-office whitening – it will be much more effective and safer.” Dental hygienist Victoria Nikolaevna Kashaeva

Consulting specialist

Kashaeva Victoria Nikolaevna

Specialization: Dental hygienist Experience: 8 years

Mouthguards for a snow-white smile – safety and effectiveness of the technique

One of the options for giving your smile a flawless whiteness is to whiten your teeth at home using special trays. You do not need to visit a dentist's office to take the course. It is enough to purchase a kit at the pharmacy, and you can carry out whitening sessions yourself. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, and also first obtain approval from your doctor. First, a specialist must assess the current condition of the enamel and determine whether this method will be safe specifically in your case. Only after this can you safely start using trays for teeth whitening. Today we’ll talk in detail about this method of brightening a smile, and also give some important recommendations regarding its use.


After whitening with trays, do I need to stick to a diet and not eat colored foods?

Kurnakova Gala (10/30/2019 at 01:38) Reply to comment

    Gala, of course, sticking to a “white” diet is necessary after any teeth whitening method. This will help maintain the result. True, when whitening with aligners, you will have to adhere to dietary restrictions much longer than after professional methods of enamel lightening. After all, the doctor uses protocols that allow you to achieve results in 1 session, and mouth guards with gel must be used for at least 2 weeks, while the diet must be followed both during the procedure and for some time after.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (04.11.2019 at 09:17) Reply to comment

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Pros and cons of the procedure

High-quality teeth whitening trays are very convenient to use, in addition:

  • This method is cheaper than professional whitening in a dental clinic.
  • You don't have to visit the dentist regularly.
  • You yourself determine the optimal schedule of procedures.
  • The products are transparent and practically invisible to outsiders.
  • You are guaranteed a decent effect.

The disadvantages include the duration of the course (from 1 to 3 months of daily wear), as well as high requirements for careful use of the gel - it must not get on the mucous membrane. In addition, wearing “covers” makes it difficult to pronounce – speech becomes slightly slurred. Sometimes it is possible to increase tooth sensitivity.

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