The formation of teeth is a complex step-by-step process that begins in the first weeks of intrauterine life.
Human chewing organs are constantly exposed to adverse factors. Biting nuts and seeds, eating hot
Chief editor of the site: Snitkovsky Arkady Aleksandrovich Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, doctor -
According to scientists, people choose their soulmate based on body odor. It is believed that
A number of dental procedures are impossible without laboratory diagnostic results. Sometimes it is difficult to make a diagnosis through
After the manufacture and installation of the orthopedic structure, the dentist teaches the patient the rules of use and care. IN
Dental diseases that are associated with gum inflammation are considered very common. To cope with discomfort
Top 5 Causes of Bad Breath Frequent communication with other people is an integral part of
What it represents In medical terminology, a pip or callus is called glossitis. This is an inflammatory disease of tissue
V.F. Privorotsky, N.E. Luppova, T.A. Gerasimova, A.V. Orlov, F.P. Romanyuk, E.A. Antonova Medical Academy