Making a crown for a tooth from metal ceramics, pros and cons, before and after photos
Making a crown for a tooth from metal ceramics, pros and cons, before and after photos
Service life of different types of crowns Untimely replacement of the crown When to change the crown How to change it
my breath stinks
Your breath smells like shit: possible causes and treatments
Every person is part of society. It's hard to imagine situations in which we can get by
In a dream, spitting blood: the meaning of the dream. Dream Interpretation: blood in the mouth, blood in the saliva, a lot of blood
August 16, 2018 Medicine Epifantseva Anna Dreams in which a person spits blood are warnings.
Blood clot after tooth extraction
How long does a blood clot remain in the socket after tooth extraction?
What do we do when a tooth is pulled out? Even under the office, many examine the traces of the operation, fearing
after removal
Dry socket after tooth extraction - symptoms and treatment
From this article you will learn: why the socket hurts after tooth extraction, what alveolitis is:
rotten teeth
Seeing rotten teeth in a dream: what does it mean according to the dream book?
Rotten teeth seen in a night dream are not the most pleasant sight, so after waking up immediately
Question for girls with tongue piercings
Tongue piercing: photos, reviews, pros and cons
Nowadays, more and more people are striving to break out of the gray mass, somehow
Citramon for toothache: a complete review of the drug
February 28, 2019 In the first aid kit of any Russian there will almost certainly be such a universal remedy as
Articulation gymnastics
Exercises for self-correction of bite
We correctly pronounce various sounds thanks to good mobility of the organs of articulation. These include the lower
Signs of teething in a 4 month old baby
Teething at 2 months: normal or abnormal
A baby at the age of four months is not yet able to communicate that he is
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