Laser implantation
Laser dental implantation is a new stage in the development of modern implantology
The science of dentistry was created to study and treat various dental anomalies. Over time, she
What kind of disease is phlegmon of the maxillofacial area and how to treat it?
This is an acute purulent inflammation of soft tissues and/or internal organs (mediastinum, abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space,
temporary filling material
Use of glass ionomer cements in pediatric practice
General information Composition Advantages of the drug Disadvantages Method of administration Review of manufacturers Price Almost all patients
Erupting the first teeth is a big challenge for a child.
Viburkol suppositories for teething children instructions
"Viburkol" - a herbal preparation for relieving pain and inflammation when the first teeth appear B
Ivy ligature binding
Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of three methods of gentle immobilization of the lower jaw for fractures
Treatment of jaw fractures is a characteristic of conservative and surgical treatment methods. Treatment of any injury must begin
Electroodontodiagnostics in modern dentistry
Modern dentistry uses the latest technologies in the treatment of certain pathologies. Last time
Treatment of pulpitis: what is pulp and its structure, classification of pulpitis according to ICD-10, pulp hyperemia, treatment of acute and purulent pulpitis
Anatomically, a tooth consists of three parts: crown, neck, root. Inside the crown and root there is
Perfect Smile Venners – instructions in Russian and video tutorial
Clear and understandable instructions in Russian Perfect Smile Veneers will help everyone who wants to achieve truly
Rating of electric toothbrushes 2022
TOP 10 electric toothbrushes 2022: the best for your snow-white smile
The best electric toothbrushes can provide much better results than regular ones. They
How long does it take for babies to erupt their first teeth and what kind, how can I help my baby?
When do the first teeth start to come out in babies? The table shows at what age they erupt
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