Tooth granuloma: symptoms, treatment, photo
An inflammatory formation affecting the upper part of the tooth root is called granuloma. It is formed in the process
Miramistin against burns
Miramistin is an antiseptic for local (external) use.
Miramistin is an unremarkable bottle with a spray nozzle. But he can do so many things! If you look at
Ceramic filling CEREC with a 50% discount
Light filling - the latest technologies of filling materials
Statistics from dental practice confirm the fact that light fillings are most often used and are gradually
Discomfort and inconvenience after installation of a filling
Memo to the patient after caries treatment and dental filling. Today, modern filling materials
When can you eat after a filling?
State budgetary healthcare institution of the Stavropol Territory Regional Children's Clinical Hospital
Before the invention of anesthesia, about 70% of operations ended in the death of the patient; patient survival depended only on
Features of anesthesia during breastfeeding
Those who are familiar with severe lumbar pain, have serious problems with the spine, know about
A “mask of sadness” on the face is formed due to hypertonicity of the platysma
Spasm of the jaw muscles Development of the disease Symptoms of problems with the TMJ Diagnostics Prevention of hypertonicity of the TMJ muscles
Brush for cleaning braces
Plates for dentition correction: features and effectiveness of use
Not only the oral cavity, but also orthopedic structures need proper cleaning. It is important
Carrying out bone grafting
Periostotomy of the tooth: indications and features of the operation
Bone grafting is prescribed to patients before dental implantation in cases where insufficient bone volume is diagnosed
result of tooth root resection
Consequences and complications after tooth root apex resection surgery
You have been prescribed a resection of the apex of the tooth root, and you would like to study the essence in more detail
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