Recommendations after metal-ceramic prosthetics are completed
Modern dental prosthetics in Minsk is one of the most popular dental procedures. Loss of teeth and
Osteomyelitis of the jaw - symptoms and treatment
Osteomyelitis of the jaw In surgical dentistry, osteomyelitis of the jaw is considered a common disease. Osteomyelitis of the jaw (code by
Hyperdentia - abnormal number of teeth
Is it worth getting rid of supernumerary teeth?
Concept and signs of supernumerary teeth Hyperdentia (hyperdentia from hyper and lat. dens, dentis tooth)
Some information about sodium lauryl sulfate
Gluten allergy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis
An allergy is a hypertrophied immune response of the body to external and internal stimuli. Play the role of allergens
Numbness of teeth after implantation: causes and treatment methods
Author: Brodsky Sergey Evgenievich Deputy Chief Physician, Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialties: dentistry and
Clinical aspects of modern means and methods of intracanal medicine in endodontics
An effective way to preserve the integrity of the tooth and prevent the spread of infection. Modern painless methods of performing the procedure.
How to care for your mouth guard
How to properly care for a mouthguard and the importance of regular treatment
4682 In the practice of an orthodontist, the use of a dental mouth guard allows one to eliminate bite problems in children
The best pain pills
Recommendations for patients after surgery
Amputation is a complex surgical operation. During the removal of a leg, a large wound surface is created,
Tooth reinforced with a pin in pictures
A tooth is loose on a pin: causes and solutions to the problem
Restoring a damaged tooth using a pin is a popular dental technique. The metal rod is fixed in
Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug with a wide range of indications 
Ibuprofen is rightfully considered the most effective and common remedy for treating cold symptoms and
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