5 short cartoons about bacteria, microbes, viruses and cells
The treatment tactics for caries depend on the cause of the pathological process and its neglect. Exactly this
Tooth hurts when biting or pressing under a filling
The vast majority of the adult population of the planet is familiar with toothache. It can manifest itself in different ways, in
Retracted tooth
What to do if your cheek is swollen? Causes, treatment, prevention
How to remove cheek swelling from a tooth. Swelling of the cheek can be the result of a great variety of reasons,
cheekbones hurt
6 serious reasons why cheekbones may hurt
February 4, 2019 If the cheekbones on your face hurt, then this is a serious reason to think about
The filling fell out: answers to the most popular questions about the problem
Date of publication: 09.28.2020 Causes of a filling falling out How long can you walk without a filling and what to do
Swelling of the cheeks: causes of inflammation on the inside
Causes of swelling on the cheek Many people believe that only teeth can provoke swelling of the cheek.
acquired facial asymmetry
How to improve your facial profile or The dependence of facial aesthetics on the position of your teeth
Reasons why one half of the face is larger than the other Many people complain that
CT scan. Dental chain “Smile”, Shchelkovo
What happens if you don’t treat your teeth: what complications does this threaten?
Localization and nature of toothache It’s hard to go wrong with pain in the mouth. A person can easily
Erupting the first teeth is a big challenge for a child.
Viburkol suppositories for teething children instructions
"Viburkol" - a herbal preparation for relieving pain and inflammation when the first teeth appear B
Treatment of pulpitis: what is pulp and its structure, classification of pulpitis according to ICD-10, pulp hyperemia, treatment of acute and purulent pulpitis
Anatomically, a tooth consists of three parts: crown, neck, root. Inside the crown and root there is
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