When injected, the anesthetic does not enter the bloodstream.
Under anesthesia. Four important rules of general anesthesia for the patient
A few rules will help you survive the operation and its consequences competently. Interesting For some types of anesthesia
Septanest with Adrenaline - dental anesthesia
Septanest 1/100000 - solution for injection in cartridges. Pharmacological properties: administered by injection nearby
Why is dentistry so expensive and you can treat your teeth for the price of an apartment in the region?
It would seem that installing an implant is an operation that could not be simpler, just take and screw in a screw
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What to do if a child’s baby tooth hurts: after treatment or for other reasons
Toothache has different manifestations and causes. Carious destruction of enamel, trauma, damage to the mucous membrane, disease
Stethoscope and pills
Ketorol Express tablet. dispers. in the oral cavity 10 mg N20
One of the symptoms of a hangover is a severe headache. Helps to get rid of unpleasant sensations
Depophoresis in dentistry - effective treatment of tooth canals
Depophoresis is a method of disinfection of affected internal tooth tissues with copper-calcium hydroxide, which is tens of
Pericoronitis (pericoronitis) of the wisdom tooth: treatment, ICD-10
Periocoronitis is a dental disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the soft gum tissues that surround the erupting units.
“Biomechanics of the lower jaw” Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Zhulev E.N. Lecture 3. – presentation
Purpose of the dentofacial system The biological mechanics of the dentofacial system and its understanding lead to timely recognition
Acute pulpitis
Acute diffuse pulpitis. Clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment
Acute pulpitis is one of the most common dental diseases. The cause of acute pulpitis in
what does a dental microscope look like?
Dental treatment under a microscope: why and when is it needed?
From this article you will learn: stages of caries, what signs of caries exist, how to identify caries
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