Three-channel pulpitis: what is special about the treatment of the disease

The sadly familiar toothache is actually not even a toothache at all - strictly speaking, there is nothing to hurt in the tooth itself, since it consists of hard tissues and enamel minerals. This is why caries

, and often
can go unnoticed for so long - until the destruction becomes serious, the tooth simply does not give any pain signals. The pain we experience actually comes from the nerve, or more precisely, from the pulp. So, when we say that a tooth hurts, it actually hurts the nerve in the tooth.


- this is a bundle of neurovascular fibers, soft tissue that serves as a layer between the crown of the tooth and its root. The nerves located in it react to hot and cold, and nutrients and minerals enter the tooth through the vessels. However, when the destruction of the enamel affects the pulp, the nerves become inflamed and the tooth begins to hurt. This is pulpitis - inflammation of the pulp.

In case of pulpitis, it is too late to save the pulp and nerve, and therefore they are removed - this is a common procedure that completely anesthetizes the tooth and prevents the infection from spreading further to neighboring teeth. However, a tooth deprived of pulp becomes “dead”: it is deprived of nutrition, its tissues become thinner, and the color of the enamel darkens. This is unfortunately a side effect of nerve removal.

Number of roots in human teeth

There can only be one dental crown, but the number of roots a tooth has depends on its location and purpose. The number of roots is also influenced by hereditary factors. It is possible to determine how many roots a tooth has only with the help of an x-ray. The inner part of the tooth (root) makes up about 70% of the entire tooth.

Factors influencing the number of roots:

  • Location of the tooth.
  • The purpose of the tooth, its functionality (chewing or frontal).
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Patient's age and race. In the European race, the number of dental roots is very different from the Negroid and Mongoloid races.

Can three-channel pulpitis go away on its own?

Pulpitis of a three-canal tooth, of course, will not go away from lack of treatment and will become chronic. The nerve will die under the influence of microbes, the pain will go away, and the patient will deceptively think that the problem is solved. But this will turn out to be a temporary calm before the storm. The nerve will decompose inside the tooth, there will be even more microbes, inflammation will affect the surrounding tissues, and ultimately it will all end in the formation of a cyst. It will be very difficult to save such a tooth from removal. Treatment of pulpitis of a 3-canal tooth should be immediate.

Teeth numbering system

Dentists have developed a system in which all teeth have their own serial number. The numbering system for the teeth of the lower and upper rows will not allow you to “get confused” in the teeth.

The first number is the incisors - the frontal teeth of the upper and lower rows. There are two teeth on each side (left and right): No. 1 - central, No. 2 - lateral, behind which there are fangs, numbered No. 3. The small molars have numbers 4 and 5.

All of the listed teeth have one cone-shaped root.

Teeth No. 6, 7, 8 - large molars have three roots, and tooth No. 6 of the lower row has one root, with the exception of tooth No. 8, which can have 3 or even 4 roots.

Why do we need to know the structural features of roots?

X-ray diagnostics and computed tomography in particular allow us to carefully study the root system and at the same time identify the narrowest and most intricate branches. And if the length of the canal is determined instrumentally, then the exact number of internal passages will be clearly visible on the x-ray image. Information regarding their cross-country ability is also extremely important:

  • curvature up to 25 degrees – tool processing available,
  • within the range from 25 to 50 degrees – the cavity is considered impassable,
  • from 50 degrees - it is impossible to carry out instrumental treatment, but if the corner is in close proximity to the mouth, a specialist can try to improve patency.

An X-ray examination allows you to examine the canals and roots of the teeth.
Due to severe narrowing or even overgrowth as a result of an advanced pathological process, the doctor may not find the canal at all. Among other reasons for this situation, experts in the field of endodontics identify age-related changes and previous medical errors.

The complex anatomy of teeth makes endodontic treatment a complex and risky undertaking. But with the advent of modern technologies in the arsenal of specialists, the likelihood of medical errors has noticeably decreased. We are talking about treatment under a microscope, when during work the doctor has a clear picture of what is happening in real time before his eyes. The use of optics can significantly reduce the risk of poor-quality filling or root perforation, which means that treatment can be carried out efficiently and without complications

  1. Dmitrienko CB, Krayushkin A.I. Anatomy of human teeth, 2003.

How many canals are there in teeth?

The number of tooth canals does not always coincide with the number of roots. The number of channels can only be determined using x-rays. The upper incisors usually have two or three canals. Some teeth have only one canal, which branches into two parts.

Number of canals in teeth:

  • Upper Lower four – 1, less often 2 channels;
  • Upper second – 1, less often 2 and even 3 channels;
  • Bottom five – one channel;
  • Upper first molar 3, 4 canals;
  • Lower first molar – 3, less often 2 canals;
  • Upper and lower seven – 3, 4 channels.

Stages of treatment for 3-channel pulpitis

Treatment of pulpitis of one- and two-canal teeth, as a rule, occurs in one appointment. Three channels are put in order in two visits. Some clinics offer to treat pulpitis of the 3rd canal tooth in one go. There is no need to take risks, it is better to do everything according to the rules.

To treat three-channel pulpitis, the vital extirpation method is used. The pulp is removed, the canals are thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and sealed. Let's look at each stage of treatment of root pulpitis 3 in detail.

Stages of treating pulpitis without a microscope

  • Pain relief using local anesthesia.
  • Removing softened tissue and washing the cavity with an antiseptic.
  • Expansion of the mouths of three canals and removal of pulp.
  • Flushing the canals with sodium hypochlorite as an antimicrobial treatment.
  • Drying and filling the canals and installing a temporary filling on the crown of the tooth.
  • Evaluation of treatment results using control x-rays.

The main treatment takes place during the first appointment. A break is needed so that the filling material in the canals hardens well. The second stage will take less time: the tooth will be processed again and a permanent filling will be placed.

The number of appointments may increase to three if it is impossible to immediately remove the pulp from the canals. In this case, the nerve will be “killed” by a special paste. It will be added to the cavity and left until the next visit. Soviet patients said this: “They put arsenic.” This substance is not used in modern toothpastes, but many, out of habit, believe that the dental nerve is removed with the help of arsenic.

Possible complications

Not all cases go smoothly. Let's consider the main problems that arise after the procedure.

  • Perforation.
    The phenomenon is the formation of holes between the dental canals and surrounding tissues. Treatment of perforation consists of medicinal treatment and filling.
  • Cheek swelling.
    The reason why the cheek is swollen after root canal treatment is believed to be the impregnation of the periodontal tissues and mucous membranes with an anesthetic drug, which themselves are quite loose and easily absorb liquid.
  • Instrument fracture.
    The probes for passing through the channels are very thin. If they break during medical procedures, the fragments are removed with special devices. Modern dental instruments made of nickel-titanium alloys are less susceptible to wear and break less often.
  • Adverse reactions to medications.
    The range and severity of side effects of modern anesthetics are minimal. Before treatment, the doctor must collect an allergic history - information about drug intolerance - and the likelihood of a full-blown allergic reaction is practically reduced to zero. Adverse reactions of moderate and minor degrees are mostly short-term, can be easily corrected or can be overcome by changing the drug.
  • Other complications.
    Situations such as swallowing particles of fillings, tooth dust, and small instruments now practically do not occur thanks to the use of a rubber dam - a latex plate that separates the tooth or teeth being treated from the oral cavity.

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Teeth of ancient people

The dentofacial apparatus of prehistoric and modern humans differs significantly. Ancient people had more than 36 teeth, protruding fangs and a massive jaw. This was explained by the need to chew rough food and raw meat. With the addition of thermally processed foods to the diet, the dentition began to change. The canines were the first to transform, becoming aligned with the bite line. Then the jaw arch narrowed, the interdental spaces disappeared, and the teeth themselves decreased in size. Currently, 32 teeth in humans are the norm, but third molars are considered to be an atavism.

Interesting fact!

The teeth of ancient man cannot be called aesthetic, but they were healthy. According to scientists, cavemen never suffered from caries and other oral diseases.

Treatment under a microscope

It is possible to treat pulpitis under a microscope. This is a specialized dental instrument that allows the doctor to perform manipulations with high precision. The channels are visually enlarged. The doctor clearly sees the foci of inflammation, which allows them to be completely eliminated and avoid relapse.

The use of a microscope is necessary if the patient has small canals that are inaccessible to the human eye. This makes it possible to clean and seal the tooth efficiently.

Why does a dead tooth hurt?

It is logical that a dead tooth, that is, one from which the nerve has been removed, should not feel anything, much less hurt. However, patients often complain of toothache after tooth depulpation. With proper removal, a pulpless tooth cannot hurt; after removal of the nerve, pain can occur in the border structures: jaw bones, soft tissues, neighboring teeth, because the nerves remain there, and it is they that sometimes ache for several days, as they are “concerned” with the surgical intervention. However, if the pain does not stop, you need to consult a dentist; perhaps the nerve was not completely removed, or the pain is caused by some other reason - only a specialist can determine this.

A tooth is a very complex structure, and in this case the saying “Measure twice, cut once” fully reflects the essence of dental treatment!

What is the cost of treatment?

How much does root canal treatment cost? The cost largely depends on the method used and the quality of the materials. When using laser and microscopic technology, nanocomposites and other advanced developments, the cost of tooth treatment with canal filling increases significantly. Approximate prices for root canal treatment in Moscow with gutta-percha filling and composite filling are presented in the table below.

Single channel tooth9,500 – 12,5000 rubles
Double channel tooth11,000 – 14,500 rubles
Three-channel tooth13,500 – 17,000 rubles

The cost of root canal treatment should not be the determining factor in choosing a clinic. Contact only dentistry with a good reputation and experienced specialists who use modern equipment and the latest techniques in their work. Remember - the future fate of your teeth and the aesthetics of your smile depend on the quality of canal treatment!

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