Removable dentures are represented by structures that are fixed on the gums not with glue, but
What is needed to make a diagnosis for an orthopedic patient? At the first visit to an orthopedic doctor, the patient is examined.
Human papillomavirus (HPV, HPV) belongs to the group of papillomaviruses and is one of the most
Home Diseases Caries Deep caries Deep caries is the fourth and final stage of destruction and demineralization
Many people planning to undergo laser correction are concerned about the question: what is smarter to undergo this effective procedure?
One can write for a long time about such a universal remedy as Solcoseryl. The drug is multifaceted and in many ways
What is transmitted genetically Most diseases of the dental system are not 100% genetically dependent. However there is
Many people are faced with such an unpleasant problem as malocclusion. Almost people have this pathology
An isolated fracture of the alveolar process occurs due to bending or displacement at the site of application of force. Anatomical
From this article you will learn: is it painful to install a crown, the stages of prosthetics, how much does it cost to install