Microvascular decompression
Trigeminal neuritis: symptoms, causes and treatment of inflammation
Causes of inflammatory damage to the trigeminal nerve Factors contributing to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve are: surgical interventions on
Anatomical features of the upper teeth
What does a correct bite look like in an adult - photo of what the jaw should be like
Molars are divided into canines, incisors, premolars, and molars. Teeth of the first three types
safe children's toothpaste
Toothpastes - how to choose the right one? TOP 15 components to avoid!
Toothpaste can safely be called an essential item: it is the basis of self-care. But
Mouth rinses - are they necessary and how to choose the best one
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
What to do if you have a bitter taste in your mouth and a white coating on your tongue: recommendations
Bitterness in the mouth is a common symptom of various diseases of the digestive tract. It can only be observed
inflammation of the salivary gland under the tongue
Anatomy and pathology of the salivary glands. Sialadenitis, sialosis
What can inflammation of the salivary gland lead to? Read the answer to this question in this
Photo of a Neanderthal skull
Human teeth - structure, quantity, numbering and composition
Teeth of ancient people The dentofacial apparatus of prehistoric and modern humans differs significantly. Ancient people had
Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste for topical use, 5 g
Which analogue is better to choose? There are other analogues of Korneregel. All of them are aimed at treatment
Oral irrigator: use, benefits and harm
High-quality oral hygiene is extremely important not only for maintaining an aesthetically attractive appearance,
Theory and practical experience in ultrasound diagnosis of salivary gland pathology
Theory and practical experience in ultrasound diagnostics of salivary gland pathology ultrasound machine HS40 Leader
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