How to get rid of swelling after permanent lip makeup

Permanent makeup is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure for introducing a hypoallergenic coloring composition - pigment - into the layers of the skin. The service is provided in beauty salons and is in demand among women. Allows you to adjust the shape, create long-lasting makeup that does not wash off or spread, but decorates for several years. But an unpleasant consequence is swelling after lip tattooing.

Swelling after tattooing – what to do?

Yes, I know that you look at photographs of makeup and watch with great interest the transformation of women’s appearance after tattooing.

Light redness and swelling after permanent makeup on the eyes, eyebrows or lips is a natural reaction of the body to micro damage to the surface layer of the skin.

In my practice, I always warn women that swelling on the lips after permanent makeup can occur for many reasons. It can also last on the lips for 24 hours or more. Therefore, you may see your lips slightly swollen, as they would be after lip firming procedures.

Permanent lip makeup is a complex procedure. I get calls and letters from clients who have had a service done by another master asking: why do they have a lot of swelling? Is this how it should be? What to do? What should I do? What is the reason?

Features of care in winter and summer

At different times of the year, eyelid skin care has its own characteristics.

Important! In summer, you need to wear sunglasses , since the tattoo will fade from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, regardless of how much time has passed since the procedure.

To maintain healthy skin, you can take vitamins D, E and A or multivitamin complexes containing them.

Fatty creams and ointments are not used, and swimming in open water is strictly prohibited for a month.
In winter, first of all, you need to take care of your immunity , since any colds will also provoke inflammation in the eyelids.
For this you also need to take vitamin complexes.

Causes of swelling on the lips

The causes of edema may be:

1– features of the lymphatic system,

2 – skin sensitivity,

3– possible allergic reaction of the body to pigments,

4 – reaction to anesthesia,

5 – deep injection of dye and poor-quality equipment.

Women like a slight swelling on their lips immediately after the procedure. It looks sexy. Very often, after healing of the lips, women say: “I want lips like after a permanent.”

I work with color. Increasing the volume of the lips should be done by a specialist - a cosmetologist. I help women see the result of lip volume using permanent makeup, like after injections. This effect is only after the tattoo procedure.

Photo of lips after permanent makeup (slight swelling after permanent lip makeup)

Photo of lips before permanent makeup procedure and healed version (2 sessions)

Thanks to my work experience and observation diary, I have developed important recommendations for providing permanent lip makeup services. It is advisable to follow these rules in order to prevent swelling.

Contraindications. When not to do permanent makeup

Micropigmentation has a number of contraindications. Be sure to read the list before visiting the specialist. Do not hide your true state of health - you will not only protect yourself, but also protect the cosmetologist from problems.

Any doubts?
Contact your doctor first - he will give a professional and informed recommendation whether to visit the salon or not. All contraindications are divided into two groups - absolute and relative. For the first time, lip tattooing is strictly prohibited. In the second case, a session is possible, but with the permission of the doctor and the approval of the master (the cosmetologist must be informed about the presence of certain problems).

Absolute contraindications

  1. Blood diseases, low blood clotting.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Diabetes mellitus in insulin-dependent form.
  4. Keloid scars and the tendency to their appearance.
  5. Somatic diseases and disorders.
  6. Mental problems, disorders.
  7. Any inflammation in the acute stage.
  8. Oncology and neoplasms.
  9. Hepatitis.
  10. HIV AIDS.
  11. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  12. Alcohol or drug intoxication.

Relative contraindications

  1. Inflammation on the lips, rash.
  2. Hypertension – before the session you should take a control blood pressure measurement and only then make a final decision.
  3. Tendency to allergies - you must first undergo tests to determine the body’s sensitivity to coloring compounds.
  4. Period of menstruation.

Recommendations after. Elimination of edema

Recommendations for the client

Swelling is a consequence of an allergic reaction of the body; I recommend taking an antihistamine.

It is acceptable to use Dexamethasone eye drops for small lotions for 10-15 minutes (do not get it into the mouth!).

Elimination of edema: oral antihistamine + local lotions with Dexamethasone solution or applications of hydrocortisone eye ointment (apply it to the affected area in a thin layer 3-4 times a day, after 10 minutes remove the residue with a clean cotton pad).

Effective ways to eliminate swelling after permanent lip makeup is to take one of the medications. This may be Furosemide, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone (tablets).

IMPORTANT: painful swelling on the lips can be caused by the herpes virus.

To prevent it, it is recommended not to stop the course of antiviral medications for an additional 3-4 days after the procedure!

Additionally, treat the affected area on the lips with medicinal antiherpes ointment.

Read more in the article herpes and permanent makeup

Recommendations for the master

An important role is played by the equipment that the master uses (modular, needle-nozzle, rotor). The procedure should be performed as superficially as possible and with high-quality dye.

We flutter the needle like a feather, lightly touching the client’s lips. At the same time, we correctly stretch the skin.


The main thing is not to overdo it in your work and not to be persuaded by the client - add more. We perform permanent lip makeup with high quality.


Procedure time

What is important to know? We do not take into account the time for the sketch. We take into account the main minutes for creating a tattoo.

When there is more pressure on the lips, when we remove pigment from the lips, then there is more swelling. Excessive actions provoke swelling.


Empty introduction of pigment into procedures: more errors in work - more swelling. Therefore, it is important for novice artists to master the lip tattoo technique as much as possible. If the skin on the lips, eyelids, eyebrows, or during tattooing becomes “tired” and does not accept pigment, it is better to postpone the procedure until the next correction. This also happens.

We follow the principle: less injury - better results.


In permanent makeup there is a magic rule “do not over-salt”. This applies to anesthesia and pigment. Anesthesia should be used as needed. I try not to use it in PM at all. An excessive amount of anesthesia makes the skin glassy, ​​which means the procedure is more difficult, the pigment is harder to apply, and unnecessary trauma to the client’s skin is possible.

Washing rules

For the first 3 days, tattooing is prohibited from contacting water. Cleaning is done with wet wipes. The face itself is refreshed with a cleansing tonic, but the product should not get on the treated areas.

After 3 days, they begin to wash with warm liquid, previously boiled. Remaining liquid is removed with a paper napkin or towel. Actions must be careful not to damage the crust.


Sponges with slight swelling immediately after PM

Above are healed lips. Bottom - immediately after PM lips

What determines the quality of the procedure?

The quality result of the procedure does not depend on the professionalism of the specialist. Post-procedure care after permanent lip makeup is also important. What matters is the client’s skin and the body’s reaction to the procedure.

After completing the restoration process, it is recommended to visit a specialist to examine the result on your lips. Spetsialit will examine the surface of the lips and give further recommendations. An additional procedure 1-2 may be required.

We'll talk about this in the next article.
Why is the pigment residue minimal after permanent lip makeup? Consequences and actions. Is there swelling after permanent lip makeup?

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