Review of Crest toothpastes, their composition and reviews of use

Next you will learn:

  • What is special about the Crest line of toothpastes and are they really as effective as they say;
  • Where can you buy these pastes (you probably already know that finding them in regular city pharmacies is very problematic);
  • What is useful to know about the composition of Cross toothpastes and their active ingredients (we will analyze several examples in detail);
  • Well, and finally, do they really whiten, how safe is it for tooth enamel, and also many other interesting points from a practical point of view...

Generally speaking, Crest is an American brand owned by Procter & Gamble and sold in many countries around the world. It dates back to the beginning of Procter&Gamble's research into the problem of dental caries in the population and the development of effective dental care products. Moreover, the first Crest toothpaste was born back in 1955, and since then the brand has confidently maintained leadership in the production of dental care products in the USA.

Today there is a very wide range of Crest toothpastes on sale, aimed at solving a variety of problems - we’ll talk about this a little later.

On a note

Despite some excitement around Crest toothpastes in Russia, the United States itself has an absolutely neutral attitude towards this toothpaste - it is sold there, as they say, on almost every corner, along with many others.

Crest toothpaste is known to many Russians from humanitarian aid in the 90s, when, together with “Bush legs”, it was very accessible and gained love among the broad masses. However, unlike chicken of rather dubious quality, pasta at that time looked quite decent compared to competitors’ products. Largely thanks to the reputation that formed then, Crest pastes remain popular today, despite minimal marketing support.

Meanwhile, of course, advertising cannot be completely avoided, and if you analyze it, you can note that the specificity of Crest toothpastes is that the manufacturer does not limit itself to one or another category of active ingredients, and does not rely on the indispensable naturalness of the composition ( which is in fashion today). Simply put, exactly those components that actually work and have been tested in practice are added to the toothpaste.

On a note

For example, sodium lauryl sulfate can be found in many brands of Cross toothpastes. Today, real hysteria has developed around this substance - they say that it causes allergies, mouth ulcers, promoting stomatitis (and in practice, sometimes this is actually the case), and is almost a carcinogen. However, sodium lauryl sulfate is a highly effective surfactant, foams well and perfectly cleanses the teeth and oral cavity of various pollutants.

And if the paste is positioned as a whitening one, then be sure that it will contain polyphosphates (they loosen tartar, leaching calcium from its structure, and at the same time partially from the enamel itself), and will also be abrasive enough to create a danger for teeth, if you are naturally prone to painful sensitivity. It is useful to consider these points in advance.

In addition to toothpastes under the Crest brand, so-called whitening strips are also widely known, used for teeth whitening at home. If you decide to use them, we recommend that you first read the materials on this topic in the “Teeth Whitening” section of our website.

All Crest pastes - from healing to whitening

The range of American Crest toothpastes today is very extensive, so in order to better navigate such a variety, all these pastes can be divided into two types:

  • health-improving;
  • and whitening.

Crest healing toothpastes are represented by the following products:

  • Clinical Sensitivity - to protect sensitive teeth and prevent the recurrence of sensitivity;
  • For Life 50+ - takes into account age-related changes in the oral cavity, protects against caries, gingivitis, tartar, and prevents age-related weakening of enamel;
  • Clinical Gum Protection - effectively fights gum inflammation;
  • Gel Clean Mint - resists the appearance of plaque, the development of caries and gingivitis;
  • Healthy Fresh - healthier teeth and oral cavity in general plus a bright mint taste;
  • Whitening Fresh - 2 in 1: healing effect, whitening and breath freshening.

Whitening pastes include products from the Crest 3D White series:

  • Luxe Sensitivity Pampering Mint - eliminates sensitivity and at the same time gently whitens teeth;
  • Radiant Mint - polishes teeth, protects against caries and, according to the manufacturer, removes 80% of stains from enamel in just two weeks;
  • Enamel Renewal - strengthens enamel and removes 90% of surface stains in just a week;
  • Glamorous White Luxe is a highly effective whitening product that removes 90% of stains from enamel in just 5 days (wonder what makes it so effective?);
  • Vivid Radiant Mint is positioned as an effective whitening product with an enamel preserving formula;
  • Arctic Fresh is a whitening product with the effect of enhanced (“Arctic”) freshness.

Whitening toothpastes also include products from the Complete series:

  • Scope Outlast is a gentle bleaching agent with quartz (sounds scary, we can only hope that we are not talking about quartz sand) that provides long-lasting fresh breath;
  • Pro-Health Whitening - gel paste that reduces enamel sensitivity, whitens and revitalizes teeth;
  • Whitening + Cinnamon - a product for whitening teeth, fighting caries and tartar, has a cinnamon flavor (there is also;
  • Anti Bac - comprehensive oral care with a pronounced antibacterial effect;
  • Baking Soda & Peroxide Whitening - renews the natural whiteness of teeth and protects against tartar.

It is also useful to read: Review of the properties of Mexidol Dent toothpastes and reviews of their use

On a note

It is more correct to say that whitening toothpastes do not whiten, but lighten teeth. That is, we are not talking about chemical enamel whitening, as happens, for example, in a dentist’s office, when a special gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth. Whitening toothpastes work differently: they mechanically remove plaque and tartar from the enamel surface, making it noticeably lighter.

However, if a person’s tooth enamel is naturally yellow, and there is no colored plaque or tartar on it, then, of course, whitening toothpaste will be useless in such a situation. Well, maybe it will protect against caries.

Crest toothpaste is also available in children's versions (Crest Kids Cavity Protection). Products for children are offered in soft tubes with images of cartoon characters. They have a rather pleasant taste, as well as a bright color, which makes it easier to teach children to brush their teeth regularly.

But buying Crest toothpaste in Moscow or any other city in Russia today is not always easy - you can hardly find them in pharmacies. Therefore, they usually order via the Internet (there are specialized online stores, and some advanced consumers buy from Amazon and EBay).

Crest 3D White Luxe Glamorous White and reviews about it

Crest 3D White Luxe Glamorous White toothpaste is, one might say, one of the most effective products in the manufacturer’s range in terms of enamel whitening intensity. When creating this paste, several technological solutions were used at once, which make it possible to quickly remove stained plaque (and partially tartar) when brushing with it.

As the manufacturer assures, 90% of surface stains will be removed within 5 days of using the paste, and a pronounced effect will become noticeable after the first use. The product is recommended for use in the morning and evening, as well as after eating coloring foods.

Let's take a closer look at the composition of Crest 3D White Luxe Glamorous White:

The paste contains fluoride in the form of sodium fluoride (Sodium Fluoride), which promotes the mineralization of enamel and protects teeth from caries. However, it is difficult to call this compound innovative, since even a number of domestic and not very expensive pastes contain amino fluoride, which is more effective and advanced in this regard (sometimes in combination with tin fluoride).

A significant role in the removal of mineral dental plaque belongs to sodium pyrophosphate (Disodium Pyrophosphate): this compound, being a strong complexing agent, will actually help to “pull” calcium ions from the tartar matrix, thereby promoting its loosening. But you need to understand that at the same time calcium will be partially removed from the surface of the tooth enamel.

So usually pyrophosphates (and polyphosphates in general) are not introduced into toothpastes intended for sensitive teeth characterized by thinned enamel. Therefore, if you have sensitive teeth, then Crest 3D White Luxe Glamorous White toothpaste will not be the best choice.

One of the advantages of the paste is the absence of sodium lauryl sulfate in its composition, which is replaced by an alternative compound - sodium laureth phosphate (also an effective surfactant).

As reviews show, Crest 3D White Luxe Glamorous White toothpaste really gives a fairly quick whitening effect, although you need to understand that in most cases it will be possible to lighten teeth by no more than 1-2 tones (for coffee lovers, smokers). It’s better not to count too much on a dazzling Hollywood smile.


“...I tried many different pastes, but only this one showed a decent result. Moreover, within a week the effect was clearly noticeable! The paste foams wonderfully, polishes and gives a kind of shine to the teeth, your breath is fresh for several hours after brushing, and no plaque is felt until the evening. I ordered the product on ebay, the price was only 350 rubles. It’s very difficult to buy Crest 3D White Luxe paste in local pharmacies and stores, so we have to get out of it.”

Tatyana, Omsk

In view of the craze among people with whitening pastes, I would like to remind you that such products are mostly highly abrasive and are contraindicated for people prone to hyperesthesia (tooth sensitivity). That is, a person, thoughtlessly using such means, risks simply erasing his already weakened enamel, aggravating the situation (especially in the cervical area, contributing to the deepening of wedge-shaped defects).

However, for sensitive teeth, whitening pastes with medium abrasiveness are also produced (the RDA controlled abrasiveness index should not be higher than 75) - such products usually contain:

  • Enzymes (bromelain, papain) that help dissolve the protein matrix of dental plaque;
  • Potassium compounds to reduce enamel sensitivity;
  • Sometimes also strontium compounds to block dentinal tubules, which play a direct role in the occurrence of painful sensitivity of teeth to various irritants;
  • Compounds for enamel mineralization (calcium glycerophosphate, calcium citrate, the same fluorides, etc.)

(See Sensodyne, ROCS, and Splat Liquum Gel toothpastes as examples).

Crest Complete Extra White Plus Scope Outlast

In addition to the whitening effect, Crest Complete Extra White Plus Scope Outlast toothpaste emphasizes the longest possible freshness of breath. Reviews of this paste indicate that the promise of fresh breath “five times longer” is not an advertising gimmick.


“I prefer to use high-quality pastes, but I’m not always satisfied with the effect. I was completely disappointed in the vaunted ROCS, so I decided to try Cross extra white plus. I was amazed by the effect! Your teeth are really white, there is no plaque for a very long time, and your breath is fresh for half a day. I especially liked the scent with a slight medicinal aroma, so powerful and refreshing. For now I will only buy Crest, it’s a pity that I couldn’t find it for sale in our stores, I have to order on the American website, but with a guarantee of authenticity.”

Egor, Moscow

However, it was not without advertising tricks. In particular, the content of quartz in the paste is designated as a miracle novelty, thanks to which teeth are supposedly especially well cleaned and whitened.

It is also useful to read: Asepta toothpastes: composition features and reviews of their use

Let's look at the composition of Crest Complete Extra White Plus Scope Outlast paste:

Quartz is not visible. It would be a stretch to include hydrated silicon oxide (Hydrated Silica) here, although quartz consists of anhydrous crystalline silicon oxide, and this same Hydrated Silica in amorphous form is a typical component of 90% of any modern toothpastes.

CREST toothpaste in 24 g packaging. A story about how I explored a product I had never tried before.

Dedicated to the people who were at the origins of the creation of the mysku resource and the curators of the mysku discounts project... “... He smelled the smell of your kebab, and you heard his money ringing...”

L. Soloviev.
The Tale of Kh. Nasreddin. To paraphrase, listen to my subjective feelings about the paste, and I will find out your opinions on this issue from the comments... You may want to buy the paste, there is also a possibility that I will want to immediately throw away my purchase)) Brief summary. In short, you can buy, but... don’t make an idol for yourself... For those who want to know exclusively about the properties of the product, feel free to scroll down the text and read the section “About pasta”. The most important thing awaits you there.
For those who want to experience all 40 shades of gray, start with part 1...
Traffic. I apologize to the users of the resource for such an obviously drawn-out narrative, but since I don’t intend to review toothpastes in the future, I wanted to present my vision of the problem as fully as possible this very first and last time.
So be patient. Not at the dentist's appointment... Part 1. General background for the purchase.
Satirical verbiage. Honestly, I'm really surprised that there don't seem to be any reviews for this product here yet. I am sure that many gentlemen readers and writers have already bought this toothpaste and tried it on themselves or their loved ones. You could also share your impressions. Following simple everyday logic, I should not have made this purchase, because the USA announced personal retaliatory counter-sanctions. In response to their various moratoriums and unfriendly sanctions policies in recent years. And not to individual sectors of their economy, but immediately, radically, in one fell swoop, vetoed the purchase of all their products. Well, or if someone doesn’t like this way of putting the question, consider that I have imposed a schema on myself personally. It’s strange, but the Ukrainian-assembled Zanussi SMA was seriously considered for purchase a month ago, although the model failed in some other parameters. But it’s Ukraine, neighbors, almost family people, no matter how some gentlemen now disavow this kinship. No matter how much the West wants, we, sensible people, cannot be pitted against each other and drawn into fratricidal civil strife. Genetically, at the subcortical level, I cannot wish trouble on my closest neighbors. On the contrary, I wish you peace and prosperity. I hope they wish the same for me. But the USA is a completely different matter. With this transatlantic “partner,” as far as I remember, we always had some kind of mutual hostility. Dislike, mutual antipathy at first sight. This happens in life and between people, and not rarely. Well, something like that, but still, simple human curiosity triumphed over false patriotism. Although it’s difficult to classify me as a true patriot, because I haven’t used either Pearl or Splat for 100 years. To be fair, I will also note that I don’t even remember when in my life I bought something from the US. And the point is not only that such products are simply not available for sale in our country by definition as a class, but even being ordered directly from the wild west and through the pernicious ebay ebay or non-kosher Amazon (we are waiting for the results of the unification of Yandex with Sberbank), It was actually produced in China, or at best in Mexico. Maybe it doesn’t exist at all, this overseas Mordor? Like drummers or some other evil spirit from a children's horror story. The Matrix simply exists. That's all. There is a country, but there are no goods from it, it’s somehow strange. Although I’m probably lying. Green paper “theirs”, cut up, it was a troubled time, I was mistaken, I bought MS Windows, IBM model M, all sorts of interesting cinematic products, again. This means that the country still produces something and exists somewhere. She is not a phantom, not a product of imagination, unfortunately. There are not only on the globe, but also in distant overseas reality. Confirmation of this depressing fact was found in this toothpaste... Well, in general, I decided to buy this toothpaste, made in the USA, but passing through PRC. Well, I like to try and taste different toothpastes, what can I do? There is no shortage of them in local stores.

Traditional suppliers of these products to the shelves - Russia, India, Turkey, China - are generously diluted with exotic samples from Japan, Thailand, and South Korea. I don’t see Pomorin and Mary from my brothers, but everything else is just a mess. Like shoe polish at a shoe polish factory. Not like in '91. If you had the desire and pennies... To choose, at least spin a roulette wheel or use a random number generator. If you approach the matter in an unusual way and with imagination, you can find quite exclusive offers.

By the way, at the same JD some pastes are 2 times more expensive than locally. Of all this variety, I like Japanese and Korean pastes the most; I haven’t bought traditional Colgate for a long time; it has been sent into well-deserved retirement. Although today we are not talking about them, I can’t help but brag about my catch in its habitat. I hope that the samurai’s code of honor does not yet allow our Far Eastern neighbors to create such outright hackwork as in Poland or nearby Dzerzhinsk. Well, if all this stuff disappears from offline, Rakuten will apparently have to master rakuten. I'm already used to their pastes, SMS, gels and shampoos. My, far from complete, collection of trophies. Well, I can’t help but mention Lg, so adored by many Muskovites and which has filled the shelves in the last year))

I just can’t decide to put products from original Chinese manufacturers in my mouth, although there is no need to order and wait for them. The pinnacle, the apotheosis of my passion for new pastes was the purchase in the nearest supermarket of an as yet untested original product from sunny Thailand)

I’m a little afraid, unusually a little, but I’ll gather my courage and definitely try it. They say it cleans very well, and it foams well. In short... “and their name is Legion...” In general, everything is fine; The bad thing is that Crest, this bourgeois creation I suddenly coveted, is not available for free sale here, and I’ve read very chic reviews of it. Well, it caught fire. Just some kind of mania, obsessive desire, almost paranoia. No, of course, it is available on Ebay, on Ali, at resellers, after all, but the prices there are absolutely outrageous. Sound rationalism was categorically against such an acquisition. Toothpaste is almost the price of cocaine)). Well, what to do, how to get it and use it for the benefit of an ordinary Muscovite, limited by the limit on online purchases in the monthly family budget)) This is where this service mentioned at the beginning helped me. Well, and JD of course. Well, it’s a case, of course, that there was enough money on the card)). Don't misunderstand. I don't expect incredible miracles from toothpastes. New teeth (fangs, tusks) will not grow

, fillings will not be replaced by living tissues; for this, stem cells are probably needed, at a minimum. Caries, tartar, and periodontal disease will also not retreat or capitulate on their own. Whatever paste you buy and use. The ending for all teeth is approximately the same. I focus exclusively on the taste sensations of the toothpastes, strictly observing the prescribed frequency, time and technique of brushing my teeth. Coupled with a good dentist and not quite old age, this allows you to stay afloat. Bye. Well, as an ambush regiment, I have in my stash all sorts of flosses, irrigators, rinses... There is also no need to discuss the economic feasibility of the order.

You yourself understand where rationalism is here.

But... I want Larisa Ivanovna Crest. Want. And that's it. So, where the hell is Crest itself, you ask? And you'll be right. Yes, yes, now...

Part 2. About Crest paste.

Well, now that we have looked at the general background against which the purchase was made, it’s time to move on to the hero of the review... The usual delivery time for the lot is 40 days. The paste was sold at a promotional price, but subject to a one-time purchase of 4 tubes at once. Those. It turns out to be a small wholesale purchase.

Each Lilliputian tube contains 24 g of a miracle cure.

Is it a little or a lot?
In hotels there are also smaller tubes, but I am still more accustomed to the 100-150 g packaging. Although such a small format is convenient in some cases (when traveling). In any case, 24 g. for 4 = 96 g. At a price of 178 rubles, i.e. for the price of a good paste of similar weight offline, I received the coveted drug after a relatively short wait. Other options for receiving goods promised higher
costs. market When ordering, there were some concerns. Maybe it's counterfeit, maybe the drug is expired, maybe the packaging is damaged or wrinkled? Maybe marriage? Maybe speculation on free samples? Maybe there is something wrong with the background radiation of the paste? What is the reason for such a fierce and reckless discount? I don’t believe in human selflessness, let alone Asian selflessness. Although JD hasn't disappointed me yet. And in this case, everything seemed to work out well (if you don’t take into account the bruising of the boxes), although I find it difficult to test for the originality of the paste, so I need an expert assessment of the purchased paste.

I appeal to the audience for help, who has experience purchasing this paste offline, please evaluate the appearance of the purchase for the originality of the content. So as not to question my childhood dreams of chewing gum, Montana watches, Lewis jeans and Marlboro cigarettes. The seller (if you believe his assurances) clearly positions the paste as a product “imported from the USA.” I am somewhat confused by the abundance of hieroglyphs on the product packaging, and the inscriptions on US products are somewhat different

I will note one more detail. Prices for goods from the seller are as highly volatile as the exchange rate on the currency exchange or the mood of the fair half of humanity. But. In my memory, they have never gone beyond the range of 40-50 rubles, but only if you purchase at least 4 pieces at a time.

About the composition
. To be honest, I didn’t read it, didn’t analyze it. I think that there are no gold-diamonds, no arsenic-cyanide, no natural components in it. Considering what is included in food products on supermarket shelves, contained in water and air, it is simply pointless to pay attention to this. So those who are afraid of the harmful effects of titanium oxide on life expectancy are wasting their time reading these lines. Ca and F would not hurt, of course, because basically all pastes seem to claim them in their composition. And this one is no exception, so I can’t help but draw the readers’ attention to the inscriptions Fluoride, Vibrant Peppermint. What they mean is clear to everyone. But, for more complete and comprehensive information about the product, I will give the composition of the paste; those who wish can study it and draw conclusions on their own. I assume that those who wanted to see similar inscriptions on the tube

will be somewhat disappointed. Of course, the question of composition is one of the most important, key points in the matter of any product. Well, so that the competence-based approach to the object under review does not wither. Requirements for pastes are set out in 2 regulatory documents. They, as well as an interesting, in my opinion, abstract on the history of pastes can be found here. Standards Whether they are fundamentally different from ours or the same Japanese or Korean pastes can be assessed from these photographs

You can also compare it with Chinese pastes from Auchan. The shelf life of the paste is until August 2022. This is normal. I will have time to use it this year. Considering the amount of paste - absolutely. I will never forget my personal experience in 1992, when toothpaste (humanitarian aid, apparently) from Italy, which I bought, had a production date on the tube - 1982. It was a bit harsh and dry, but at that time there were no special alternatives, there was no choice had to. What surprised me was that the Cross trademark is under the protectorate of P&G. Somehow I’m not very fond of their Head and Shoulders, especially the local bottling... I haven’t used it for a long time, in general. Sulsena is much more effective in combating snow on hair. The cap is screwed onto the tube.

In my opinion, this is the most archaic type of lid. I’m already used to making Asian-style pastes, where the cap is simply removed and put on; it would be more convenient for me this time too. But even as it is, it’s not a problem. Although the ideal option looks like this

True, Asians also have disadvantages: who can understand “their” pseudographic writing, and the protective foil of their pastes is almost always absent as a class - it is not clear whether someone has already started the tube or not. Here the foil is in place, I like it, because I, Hayley Likley, will be the first consumer of the tube. Our pastes are fine with this

Next, let's move on to the most thankless part of the description, because
are difficult to convey in words, and each of us, fortunately, has an individual worldview.
What is good for one is not good for another. Nevertheless…. Color
Translucent colorless preparation.
Reminds me of thick silicone with glitter. Consistency.
Regular, like all pastas.
Although it seemed more liquid to me. It is easily and evenly applied with a sort of traditional “sausage” to the bristles of the brush. But the “sausage” spreads out horizontally. Homogeneity
- a paste of uniform consistency, with foreign inclusions such as glitter, more like a gel than a paste. Nothing squeaks on the teeth. After reading customer reviews on the product page, I caught cognitive dissonance. Some have grains or granules in the product, others do not. I dare to assure potential buyers - there is some glitter, they dissolve during the cleaning process.

They are not felt on the teeth.
I don’t understand what they are needed for, either an abrasive or they add a menthol taste to the paste. Foaminess
– foams well.
There is a lot of foam, but we also saw more. It's up to anyone to like it. Judge for yourself... The smell
is pleasant, slightly minty-menthol.
If you sniff... I was reminded of the smell of a pharmacy, or rather the smell of the “Zvezdochka” balm. The aroma is chemical and chemical, but overall pleasant to the nose. The juice from the tetra pack also smells like orange, but it’s not a fact that it contains it. Aftertaste
– it seems to me that there is none, at least not a lasting one.
After 10 - 20 minutes. you forget about pasta and get on with current affairs. Naturally, after a snack, and even more so in the evening, there is no trace of the feeling of freshness left. But this is normal: at a minimum, you should brush your teeth 2 times a day - after breakfast and after dinner. About the sensation of a certain film on the lips and on the oral mucosa. After I stopped using pastes from the supermarket (apparently chlorhexidine or another antimicrobial agent in the composition), I have long forgotten these sensations. This feeling did not arise when using this paste either. Let's count this as a plus for her. The taste
is pleasant, refreshing, not sweetish, not salty. Mint, more like it. Or menthol. Tart. If you want a real thrill that will make your eyes pop out of your head, I can recommend trying this paste, although I myself don’t like and don’t use Indian brands of pastes.

And this one, when evaluating the taste, you can put it in a row with a dozen other pastes and not find any differences.
Whitening effect
. I don’t know, I usually avoid buying toothpastes with a whitening effect. It’s an abrasive (or it’s pure chemicals), so why bother with the enamel additionally? The annual Air Flow is enough for it. People with increased sensitivity of the enamel, with a wedge-shaped defect, will definitely not benefit. For the same reasons, I’m not going to use this paste all the time. A Hollywood smile is not the most important advantage of a person from Muskovka, who is always behind the scenes, in the shadow of his view, for sure. Moreover, it seems to me that teeth of a natural, non-snow-white shade are healthier. Of course, you can expect such a wow effect, but at what cost?

If you want your teeth to have a more natural color, don’t drink tea, coffee, or smoke, of course. Well, or wait for your next and next more successful reincarnation. But in order to avoid criticism from critics)) I will give a photograph of the color of teeth enamel against the background of a sheet of paper today. In a month I will add a similar photo after using this paste. Wait. And you will find it. Although I foresee no significant differences... I will leave the question of the justification of using this paste in citizens under the age of 7 years open. Age restrictions are indicated on the paste tube and packaging. The manufacturer clearly and unambiguously states that it can be used for children over 2 years of age, but for children under 2 years of age, please check with your dentist. I am also inclined to believe that for children it is still better to use children’s toothpastes from well-known brands, which differ in composition and design from their analogues for an adult audience. Fortunately, there are plenty of them in stores. Yes, and in pharmacies too. Before doing this, familiarize yourself with their composition, and even better, resolve this issue with your personal dentist.

Let's sum up the overseas curiosity, the scarlet flower...

Well, the time has come to draw a line in the legend of the miraculous Cross. Since I have already sailed on a schooner with the promising name “item 18” and did not like it, I will probably be an adherent and preacher of the JD religion, especially since the quality and price of their goods so far pleases me. It’s a pity, but they don’t pay me extra for broadcasting about their products. True, JD’s approach to the possibility of issuing ratings on behalf of customers after the time allotted for product reviews has expired touches and causes some bewilderment. A kind of know-how.

Well, Hermes is their judge. Alternatives - the same joom, for example - generally disappoint with the meagerness of their bins.

So, for a modest sum, I closed the gestalt and satisfied my curiosity. By purchasing the goods through an intermediary from China, I did not violate the personal embargo against American goods. In principle, the purchase and anticipation of something new from it met my expectations, there is novelty. Especially, it’s excruciatingly pleasant to wait for the treasured product. You sit there, wait, anticipate and hope, and the pasta is there moving towards you somewhere along the way. Buying this paste at full price is not respecting yourself and your wallet. It seems so to me. And so, for the money spent on the lot - pasta and pasta. Not bad. Perhaps not the most outstanding. Not miraculous for sure. Not the first and not the last. Those interested can purchase and independently evaluate its quality. I checked and it seems like there are no mines. If you still don’t have the desire to buy it, that’s also not a problem. By and large, I repeat, pasta and pasta, why try it...


I liked the pasta. Like a number of others. Of the 4 family members who tried it, 3 rated it as “good”, and one was absolutely delighted. He demands that he order more and that no one but him use it. Already ordered the next batch. On my own behalf, I’ll probably end with the same thing I started with: I wouldn’t use the slogan “less is more” in relation to this paste. Rather, “no worse, no better” compared to pastes from the supermarket. Before buying pasta, take a walk around the area, look at Ozone - perhaps an equally worthy alternative is waiting for you nearby.

Be careful, you will probably find hidden advertising in the text. Or anti-advertising. But I dare to assure you, gentlemen, readers, this is not so... And it was not in my thoughts. Any similarities are coincidental... The text contains exclusively the author’s personal point of view on the subject of discussion. Since I have to work during the day to buy the next trinkets, I will answer all questions about pasta, but over time, but within 24 hours

Congratulations to all Russians on the start of the long-awaited global event, the 2018 World Cup. Health to everyone and especially your teeth and greetings from Nino

Crest Kids Cavity Protection

Now a few words about Crest children's toothpaste.

Crest Kids Cavity Protection is a children's dental care product created specifically for young consumers (from 2 years old), does not contain sugar, and gently cleans teeth due to its low abrasiveness. Kids love its fruity taste and glitter, which makes dental care more fun and interesting.

Please note that the toothpaste contains fluoride (today many parents prefer to buy fluoride-free toothpastes for their children, which, however, is not always justified).

Composition of Crest Kids Cavity Protection toothpaste:

The main active component of the paste is the same sodium fluoride (Sodium Fluoride). Otherwise, the composition of the paste is not particularly remarkable, and one might even say that it is rather meager. Unfortunately, it was not without the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate.

It is not always possible to buy Crest children's toothpaste in Russian pharmacies and not in every city; it can be easier to order online (although the price will not be the lowest).


“We first tried the Crest children’s paste with beautiful glitter at my sister’s house, it was something incredible. Both my niece and daughter brushed their teeth with it with great pleasure. It’s a pity that it is not sold in pharmacies and stores in our city. I read that many people order it on American websites, and my sister sends it to me from Dnepropetrovsk. By the way, my daughter is already 6 years old - and not a single damaged tooth!”

Alla, Nikopol

Crest gum protection paste

Crest Clinical Gum Protection medicinal paste is a fairly recent development in the Crest series of health products. As the name suggests, it is aimed at protecting and healing gums.

The manufacturer promises that in just four weeks this remedy cures gingivitis and at the same time fights caries, reduces enamel sensitivity and refreshes the oral cavity.

Composition of Crest Clinical Gum Protection toothpaste:

The main active ingredient is tin fluoride (Stannous Fluoride), but its effect is mainly reduced to fluoridation of the enamel in order to strengthen it and protect it from caries. But the main effect on the gums is zinc lactate (Zinc Lactate), an antibacterial and antifungal component.

The rest of the composition can be called quite meager. And if we are talking about protecting the gums, then perhaps it makes sense to pay attention to the toothpastes Lakalut, Pomorin, Mexidol and Forest Balm - their component composition is noticeably richer in this regard.

Again, since Crest Clinical Gum Protection paste is focused on protecting gums, the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate in its composition, which in some cases contributes to the development of stomatitis, looks rather strange.


“I bought Cross toothpaste for gums on the recommendation of a dentist. Before this, my gums had been bleeding and itching for several months. This remedy completely helped get rid of the problem. Expensive, but effective! Our pasta costs 800 rubles.”

Tamara, Voronezh

History of creation

released the first toothpaste from the Crest line back in the middle of the last century. The company already had a strong scientific base and research capabilities. This made it possible to develop the composition of the product to effectively cleanse enamel and prevent caries.

One of the active components of the Crest Fluoristan paste released in 1955 was fluoride. Just a year later, this product became the best-selling product among similar products, that is, it received customer recognition.

A few years later, the American Dental Association, after conducting independent research, officially confirms that Crest effectively prevents the most common disease - tooth decay.

This was the beginning of a huge scientific and research work, the result of which was a whole line of products under the common brand “Crest”. The company cooperates with the best specialists in the field of oral hygiene, which, together with a powerful research base, allows us to constantly improve our products, making them even more effective.

Health-improving paste Cross for people over 50

Crest Pro-Health For Life 50+ paste is intended for oral care for older people. Simply put, the paste formula is aimed at eliminating problems that arise in the oral cavity in older people: strengthens enamel, removes tartar, reduces tooth sensitivity, prevents inflammation of soft tissues, protects against bacteria, and freshens breath.

Paste composition:

The active component is the same tin fluoride (Stannous Fluoride). Zinc lactate is responsible for antibacterial properties.

Among the disadvantages of the paste, one can note the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate in it, the absence of calcium compounds that promote the mineralization of enamel (glycerophosphate, citrate, or at least hydroxyapatite), the absence of potassium and strontium salts (which would very effectively solve the problem of tooth sensitivity).

For comparison, see also President Anti Age toothpaste.


“Crest toothpaste is the best product for pensioners, but the price in Russia does not allow ordinary citizens to use it. In our pharmacy it costs 780 rubles. My son regularly sends it to me from America, I am pleased. I forgot about the unpleasant smell from under my dentures. If possible, buy it. The remedy is worthy."

Nikolay Fedorovich, Moscow

If you have your own personal experience with Crest toothpastes, do not forget to leave a review at the bottom of this page (in the comments field) - perhaps this will help someone make their choice.

Interesting video review about using Crest 3D White Brilliance toothpaste


The majority of users of the Crest brand toothpaste leave only positive reviews. If you have experience using this product, you can also leave a review about it in the comments to this article.

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