Anesthesia “Ultracaine” There are cases when it is impossible to do without anesthesia. Until recently, dentists used arsenic
Predictions of why you dream of blood from a tooth can be called the most negative and frightening. Dream Interpretation
What is local anesthesia? The main distinguishing feature of local anesthesia is that the person is conscious
When thrush appears in the mouth, the tongue becomes covered with a mucous membrane, where bacteria accumulate. This
Why is sodium tetraborate dangerous? Sodium tetraborate, which is used in the manufacture of slimes, is
Regurgitation is the reflux of a small amount of gastric contents or gastric juice up the esophagus,
Symptoms In patients with a violation of the continuity of the series, certain groups of masticatory organs are overloaded, chewing
Ultraneers are ultra-thin veneers made of e.max glass ceramics. Thin linings have a high cost, justifying it
If you think that dentists never tire of repeating the importance of preventive examinations and timely
Pediatric dentistry can be considered a separate section of modern dental practice, because due to the structural features