Removal of impacted (semi-retained), dystopic 8th tooth with root separation

The Esthetic Classic Dent clinic employs only experienced surgeons who expertly perform impacted tooth removal of any complexity quickly, efficiently and painlessly. Thanks to the professionalism of our doctors, our patients do not experience complications after such operations, and they tolerate the rehabilitation period easily and without significant discomfort.

Why is an impacted tooth dangerous?

Why doesn't the tooth erupt? Perhaps in childhood the patient had his baby teeth removed too early, which is why the molars initially formed incorrectly. Also, the cause of this phenomenon may be the displacement of neighboring molars in relation to their physiological position.

Impacted teeth can be called a time bomb, since sooner or later they can provoke the following problems:

  • Caries;
  • Inflammation of the gums around the area of ​​the unerupted tooth;
  • Curvature of neighboring teeth due to constant pressure;
  • Vomiting sensations, swelling of soft tissues, numbness of the face due to the effect on nerve endings;
  • Periodontitis;
  • Periodontal disease;
  • Bite disorders.

Is it necessary to remove an impacted tooth?

A tooth that has not fully erupted or remains under the gum may not make itself felt for a long time. Only x-rays will show that it is positioned incorrectly. But is it worth having surgery if you don’t experience any discomfort? Dentists unequivocally say yes!

Even if the tooth is not causing concern, it continues to grow under the gum and will eventually begin to dislodge its neighbors. With partial teething, hygiene becomes more difficult - it is almost impossible to reach some areas with a brush, which is why bacteria accumulate on them and caries develops. By the way, it is also almost impossible to cure it qualitatively.

Over time, the infection can spread throughout the entire oral cavity and even move higher - to the pharynx and ear canal, causing inflammatory processes in them.

By the way, the sooner an impacted tooth is detected and removed, the easier the operation itself will be. In addition, surgery is always easier to tolerate if there is no acute inflammation at the time. If you find a tooth on an x-ray that is growing incorrectly and is unlikely to ever fully erupt, it is better to immediately contact a surgeon.

Is it necessary to remove an impacted tooth?

This question worries all people who are faced with the described problem. In fact, there is no definite answer - it all depends on the characteristics of the clinical situation. To make a final decision, you need to undergo an x-ray, determine the location of the teeth from the images and consult with a specialist.

But, according to statistics, dentists still have to perform surgery more often. This is due to the fact that:

  • pathology leads to gum inflammation and severe pain;

  • an incorrectly positioned impacted tooth makes the bite incorrect and looks unaesthetic, protruding forward/backward against the background of its neighbors;
  • partially impacted specimens are very difficult to treat if a carious cavity forms on their surface (not to mention pulpitis);
  • retention is often the cause of the appearance of a fistula and the development of an abscess.

If the impacted dystopic tooth is not removed, osteomyelitis, cysts, and pericoronitis may develop. All these are dangerous diseases that cause serious damage to the entire body.

How is impacted wisdom tooth removed?

The operation to remove an unerupted “eight” is quite complex and sometimes lasts up to three hours. The smaller the part of the tooth that appears above the surface of the gum, the more time and effort the surgeon will have to spend.

  1. First of all, the doctor injects anesthesia - without it, manipulation is impossible.
  2. He then makes an incision into the gum and lifts the flap to gain access to the bone.
  3. Using a special instrument, the surgeon makes holes in the bone tissue. If the tooth is large enough, it is sawed down and removed piece by piece.
  4. The doctor places medicine into the resulting hole and stitches the wound.


Treatment with Damon braces

Orthodontist O.A. Baranova does not welcome the removal of healthy impacted teeth if diagnostics show that the tooth can be returned to its place by restoring correct dental contacts. During treatment with the help of a brace system, a place will be created for the normal position of the semi-impacted tooth.

To correct the bite, the Damon brace system, which is optimal in quality and cost, was chosen. More aesthetic ceramic braces were installed on the front teeth, which are almost invisible on the teeth.

Braces are installed on the teeth:

After installing braces, the patient visited an orthodontist once every two months to monitor and replace the arches. After normalizing the shape of the dentition, the orthodontist connected additional treatment with orthodontic elastics to create correct contacts between the teeth. Correct contacts are a kind of “calling card” of the completed treatment - it is the correct contacts that give the new bite stability, physiology and comfort for the patient. After removing braces, a retention stage is needed to maintain the results obtained. To do this, a wire retainer is attached to the lower teeth, and a mouth guard is made for the upper teeth, which is worn at night.

Impacted and dystopic teeth

Impacted tooth

- this is a tooth that has already fully formed, but cannot fully erupt, since it is partially or completely covered by either the gums, the jaw bone, or another tooth located nearby. As a result, such a tooth gets stuck in the jaw, the gums become swollen and inflamed, causing severe pain.

This is one of the most common dental anomalies. The most common impacted “wisdom teeth” are the eights in the lower jaw. In fact, this is why wisdom teeth are most often removed. While they are in their rudimentary, “dormant” state, they do not cause pain or discomfort, but if they begin to erupt incorrectly, they can not only provoke inflammation, but also damage other teeth.

In this regard, dentists recommend removing the impacted tooth immediately after it begins to cut, without waiting or delaying. Retention of a wisdom tooth before age 25 is not considered an anomaly.

, but normally after 25 these teeth still erupt. Sometimes they are removed at an early age to prevent them from erupting in the future.

Often, an impacted tooth is also called a dystopic tooth, in which it is displaced inside the gum and grows into the cheek, palate or gum, and not as it should.

Recommendations for recovery after removal of the upper wisdom tooth

After extraction of the upper wisdom tooth, at least 1-2 days are required for the patient’s rehabilitation. In some cases, this period may be delayed. To avoid complications, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Use antibacterial therapy prescribed by a specialist, as well as drugs that relieve inflammation and pain;
  • Refuse to visit the sauna, swimming pool and bathhouse - in order to eliminate the possibility of wound infection;
  • In the first days after the intervention, it is recommended to use soft products;
  • If possible, stop using tobacco products.

We employ specialists of the highest category, which eliminates the possibility of making any mistakes during the procedure and guarantees a shortened and easy recovery period.

Causes of retention and dystopia of teeth

  • Hereditary factor;
  • Too early loss of baby teeth. If, after the loss of a baby tooth, the molar does not immediately grow in this place, the position of the teeth that have not yet erupted in the jaw may shift, resulting in dystopia. The later a molar erupts, the greater the risk of it becoming dystopic;
  • Malocclusions, crowded dentition.

Among baby teeth, dystopic ones are rare, but this problem can arise due to too dense gums, through which it is difficult for weak teeth to break through, as a result of which they grow incorrectly. In its normal state, a child’s gums, before the eruption of baby and molar teeth, become more elastic and easily part, making room for new teeth.

In addition, in the case of childhood retention, it is often not the wisdom teeth that fail to erupt (as in most adults), but the canines and small molars, which grow later than all the others. This is not only a rather painful process, but also potential problems with the correct bite of the teeth.

On a note!

The evolutionary version explains tooth retention by the fact that after a long period of time, our jaw has significantly decreased and lost capacity, which now creates an obstacle to the eruption of wisdom teeth and, as a result, leads to dental dystopia.

Caries of wisdom teeth and adjacent teeth

Due to the location of wisdom teeth, self-cleaning is poor and cleaning them with a toothbrush is difficult. This leads to the accumulation of plaque and microorganisms around the third molars and their rapid destruction by caries. In addition, wisdom teeth, due to their incorrect position, lead to damage to the teeth adjacent to them.

Since the space between the seventh and eighth teeth cannot be cleaned, the risk of caries increases sharply not only on the wisdom tooth, but also on the second molar next to it. Most often, the cervical region of the second permanent molar is affected, where the incorrectly positioned wisdom tooth rests. This leads to early loss of the seventh tooth.

Types of Impacted Teeth

The position of an unerupted tooth inside the gum varies, and depending on how it is located there, the doctor decides whether to remove the tooth or relieve inflammation and allow the tooth to erupt.

Degree of retention:

  • Complete (the tooth is completely hidden by the gum and bone, it cannot be seen or felt. Most often this refers to impacted wisdom teeth);
  • Partial (a small part of the crown is visible, the rest is hidden);
  • Retention in hard tissues (bones);
  • Retention in soft tissues (gums).

Inclination of impacted tooth and crown:

  • Mesial (the tooth is slightly tilted forward - this is the type of retention that most often occurs);
  • Vertical (the tooth grows correctly, but cannot erupt due to lack of space);
  • Horizontal (the tooth lies completely inside the gum or bone with the tip facing the other teeth);
  • Distal (tooth tilted back).

In addition, although quite rare, retention occurs not of one tooth, but of several adjacent teeth of the same type (for example, two molars). This problem most often occurs in children.

How to identify an impacted tooth?

The most difficult thing to determine is retention when something simply hurts, and what exactly is unclear. Especially if it is an impacted tooth in a child, it is more difficult for the child to realize and tell about it. However, it can be quite difficult for an adult to understand that the problem is an impacted wisdom tooth, especially if you have never had to deal with this before.

Symptoms of an impacted tooth:

  • Swelling, redness and painful swelling of the gums around it;
  • The crown of a half-erupted impacted tooth may be partially visible, or the tubercle if it is completely hidden by the gum;
  • Neighboring teeth may move forward slightly, become mobile, and ache, as if something is pressing on them from the impacted tooth;
  • The pain intensifies when moving the jaw, opening the mouth, or eating. On the side where the tooth cannot erupt, it may be impossible to chew at all;
  • In the worst cases, when an impacted tooth remains asymptomatic for a long time, a cyst may form with complications - the patient’s general health worsens, and the temperature may rise.

Diagnosis of an impacted tooth is carried out in the clinic, through an orthopantomogram of the jaw

or x-ray. It is necessary to determine where exactly the impacted tooth is located, how deeply it is hidden, and whether it has the opportunity to erupt.

The decision to remove an impacted tooth is made individually in each specific case. If there are no complaints, the tooth is located correctly in the jaw, then it may well erupt and perform its function in the future. However, due to pain and possible complications (loose roots of adjacent teeth, inflammation, displacement of teeth), a decision is most often made to remove such a tooth.

Tumors and neoplasms associated with wisdom teeth

The most severe consequence of incorrect position and difficult eruption of wisdom teeth is the development of cysts or tumors around them, which leads to the destruction of the surrounding bone tissue and healthy teeth.

In the area of ​​an erupting wisdom tooth, a layer of mesenchymal, immature cells almost always remains, which can cause tumor growth. A small number of these cells make up the tooth follicle or what remains around it after eruption. And, if we quickly get rid of the follicular remains of other teeth during active chewing, then wisdom teeth retain these cells for quite a long time, because are not involved in chewing.

Neoplasms grow asymptomatically and are discovered accidentally during an X-ray examination. They can reach large sizes, destroying jaw tissue, damaging adjacent teeth and anatomical structures.

Prices for surgical services at the clinic

Tooth extraction
Removal of a toothRUB 3,900
Removal of a tooth of III degree of mobility2,000 rub.
Wisdom tooth removal5,500 rub.
Simple tooth extractionRUB 3,900
Surgery to remove an impacted tooth7,500 rub.
Bone grafting25,000 rub.
Sinus lift closedRUB 18,900
Open sinus lift26,500 rub.
Excision of the tooth hood2,800 rub.
Resection of a single-root tooth9,500 rub.
Resection of a multi-rooted tooth7,000 rub.
Alveolar ridge correctionRUB 5,900
Opening a periodontal abscessRUB 3,800
Lip frenuloplasty5,500 rub.
Plastic frenulum of the tongueRUB 5,900
Socket curettage800 rub.
Treatment of alveolitis2,500 rub.
Dental implantation
Adin implant installationRUB 21,500
OSSTEM implant installationRUB 26,700
Installation of the Nobel Replace Select implant40,000 rub.
Ankylos implant installation41,000 rub.
Installation of Hi-Tech implantRUB 29,500
Implant installation Mis32,000 rub.

Removing an impacted (unerupted) wisdom tooth is a complex operation that is performed by an experienced dental surgeon with mandatory anesthesia.

Sign up Duration 15-60 minutes Cost from 840 rub. All prices

One of the common pathologies in dentistry is an impacted tooth. An impacted tooth is a tooth that, for some reason, cannot erupt on its own and take its place in the dentition. Removal of an impacted tooth is the most likely outcome of having such a tooth in the oral cavity. Very often, upper or lower “wisdom teeth” or, as they are also called, “eight teeth,” grow in this way.

Removing an impacted wisdom tooth is a rather complex operation that is performed only by an experienced dental surgeon with mandatory anesthesia. An impacted wisdom tooth can cause malocclusion, serious misalignment of teeth in a row, and can also negate efforts to straighten and correct teeth. Additionally, if this tooth becomes infected, it can become a source of infection for other teeth and lead to serious problems. Removal of an impacted tooth is carried out in EXPERT dentistry painlessly and without complications for patients!

Is it painful to remove a wisdom tooth in the upper jaw?

According to many dental visitors, they are afraid of pain during the extraction procedure of the upper eighth teeth. Fortunately, today powerful anesthetic drugs have been developed that can relieve pain.

As a rule, patients report discomfort after surgery. This is due to the cessation of the action of painkillers. To get rid of unwanted complications after removal of the upper wisdom tooth during the recovery period after surgery, the specialist additionally prescribes anti-inflammatory and anesthetic agents.

At the Elident clinic, experienced surgeons with 25 years of experience will work with you, who use modern instruments in their work, regularly carry out interventions related to the extraction of “eights” and use effective methods of anesthesia. This guarantees increased comfort during the procedure and eliminates complications after it. In addition, we provide important recommendations that must be followed after the removal of the upper wisdom tooth in order to avoid unwanted manifestations in the future.

Indications for removal of an impacted tooth

Removing impacted eights is a serious surgical procedure. The more complex the operation, the longer it takes, and the more severe the anesthesia must be. Indications for removal of impacted teeth include the following factors:

  • an impacted tooth interferes with the correct placement of other teeth in the dentition
  • after orthodontic treatment to correct the bite, since an impacted tooth can disrupt an already corrected bite
  • the appearance of a cyst. In this case, it is necessary not only to remove the impacted tooth, but also the cyst. To remove a cyst, it is often necessary to remove the pulp from an adjacent healthy tooth.
  • if the impacted tooth is in close contact with the adjacent tooth
  • during the formation of a gingival hood
  • the development of an inflammatory process around the impacted tooth, which can lead to an abscess.

Clinical case

The duration of treatment is 9 months. Opening an impacted tooth, installing a fixed orthodontic structure on the upper jaw at the same time. Before treatment (Fig. 1, 3-8). At the treatment stage (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. Diagnostic OPTG.

Rice. 2. OPTG at the stage of orthodontic treatment.

Rice. 3. Initial clinical picture.

Rice. 4. Initial clinical picture.

Rice. 5. Initial clinical picture.

Rice. 6. After 9 months at the stage of orthodontic treatment.

Rice. 7. After 9 months at the stage of orthodontic treatment.

Stages of removing an impacted tooth

The difficulty of removing an impacted tooth is determined by the degree of its location and immersion (a distinction is made between bone immersion, in which the tooth has not even emerged from the jawbone, and tissue immersion, in which the tooth is located in the gum, but has not erupted outward). Upper impacted teeth are much easier to remove than lower teeth due to their physiological characteristics.

Removal of an impacted lower tooth is carried out in several stages:

  • diagnostics. X-rays are taken to determine the degree of immersion of the tooth, the number of its roots and their location relative to each other and the roots of neighboring teeth.
  • anesthesia. We use high-quality drugs and syringes with thin needles for local anesthesia
  • removal of an impacted tooth. To do this, the dental surgeon, using special tools and equipment, opens the gum and, if necessary, the jaw, extracts the entire tooth or splits it into several parts and removes them one by one. Be sure to put a medicine into the resulting hole that relieves inflammation. If a large hole forms, sutures may be placed
  • A repeat x-ray taken to ensure that all parts of the tooth have been removed.

Recommendations after removal

Removing an impacted wisdom tooth is a complex dental operation, so certain recommendations must be followed after the procedure:

  • do not consume food or drink for at least two hours
  • Apply ice to the cheek on the removal side during the day.
  • do not drink hot drinks or food for the first three days after removal
  • do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, reduce physical activity
  • do not pick at the hole with sharp objects and do not “lick” it with your tongue
  • maintain oral hygiene, brush your teeth carefully
  • If your doctor has prescribed medications, you should definitely take them
  • rinse your mouth after eating with boiled water
  • try to chew with the opposite side of the jaw.

Cost of removing an impacted tooth in St. Petersburg:

An impacted tooth is quite difficult to remove. This is a full-fledged dental operation, which is performed under serious anesthesia and only by an experienced dental surgeon. For the removal of an impacted tooth, the price depends on many factors - the complexity of the removal, the determined depth of immersion and location of the impacted tooth, the chosen anesthesia, the time of the operation, etc.

Removal cost

Local injection anesthesia (as a separate service)840 ₽
Removal of a tooth (roots) with preliminary dissection of the soft tissues around the tooth (roots)4 400 ₽
Removal of an impacted tooth with preliminary dissection of the surrounding soft and hard tissues6 300 ₽
Removal of an impacted tooth4 210 ₽
Surgical exposure of an impacted tooth1 540 ₽

Possible reasons

The exact cause of this disease has not been identified. Experts believe that the cause is a violation of the formation of tooth buds in the embryonic period. For example, this can happen if a woman took certain medications during pregnancy, had bad habits, or suffered from certain infectious diseases.

There is also a version that the pleasant appearance of abnormally located teeth is atavism. The essence of this theory is that in past centuries people had a larger number of teeth than today, so some patients show signs of returning to the original structure of the dentition. According to statistics, this anomaly occurs in 7% of cases.

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